Author: Disabled World. This is correct usage if the speaker means that not all of the students in the classroom share the same general style of neurocognitive functioning. Retrieved from - Also, there some who advocate for the rights of Autistics but who cannot rightly be considered part of the Neurodiversity Movement because they still consider autism to be a medical pathology or “disorder,” a view at odds with the neurodiversity paradigm. Examples of neurominority groups include Autistic people and dyslexic people. "Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted." These efforts to … Misusing the word neurodiverse in that particular way serves to reinforce an ableist mindset in which neurotypical people are seen as intrinsically separate from the rest of humanity, rather than as just another part of the spectrum of human neurodiversity. i was diagnosed with GAD ( generalized anxiety disorder ) about a year ago. To distinguish between autistic people, “typically developing” people, and non-autistic people with “atypical” brain wiring (all of which fall under the umbrella of neurodiversity) the following terms are used:. As adjectives the difference between neurodivergent and neurotypical is that neurodivergent is having an atypical neurological configuration while neurotypical is having a normal way of processing sensory, linguistic, and social information; used especially to contrast with autistic. While offering new avenues for quality educational experiences to neurodivergent people, ... Washington Post, journalist and editor Alisa Opar wrote about the different perspectives within a movement promoting neurodiverse people's visibility, in this case, people with autism. Many people mistakenly use neurodiverse where the correct word would be neurodivergent. Suicide rates are higher amongst neurodivergent people than any other group in society. The correct word here would be neurodivergence, rather than neurodiversity. The neurodiversity paradigm provides a philosophical foundation for the activism of the Neurodiversity Movement, but the two aren’t the same. Neurodiverse is used to describe a group of people where some members of the group are neurodivergent. Previous research has also shown that those neurodiverse people in employment experience higher levels of stress, often related to … View our Advertising Policy for further information. “Our school offers multiple learning strategies to accommodate the neurodiversity of our student body.”. I'm sure plenty of autistic people would love a cure. However, it is incorrect usage if what the speaker is trying to say is that it’s a classroom for students who aren’t neurotypical – if that’s the case, then once again, the correct term would be neurodivergent instead of neurodiverse. The term was coined in the neurodiversity movement as an opposite for "neurotypical" - previously the term "neurodiverse" was sometimes applied to individuals for this purpose. The neurodiversity movement is so strong that there is a thirst for people to discover if they are neurodiverse vs neurotypical. If you’re writing up submission guidelines for neurodiversity-related writings, for a journal, anthology, conference, or other project, feel free to include a link to this post in your guidelines. Many people think of ASD only, but others include ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning difficulties etc. It’s ableist because it implies that neurotypical people somehow occupy a special, unique position separate from the overall neurodiversity of humanity. Clarity of language supports clarity of understanding. These differences can include those labeled with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette Syndrome, and others. The word neurominority can function as either a noun (“Autistics are a neurominority”) or an adjective (“Autistics are a neurominority group”). “Our school aims to be inclusive of students who are Autistic, dyslexic, or otherwise neurodivergent, though there are some types of neurodivergence that we’re still seeking ways to accommodate.”, “This Facebook group is for people who identify as both queer and ND (neurodivergent).”, Neurotypical, often abbreviated as NT, means having a style of neurocognitive functioning that falls within the dominant societal standards of “normal.”. Disclaimer: Disabled World is strictly a news and information website provided for general informational purpose only and does not constitute medical advice. and the most common usage of the word is to mean "non-autistic". Neurodivergent is a term for someone whose mind work differently than what is considered “normal” or socially acceptable. For example, the National Autistic Society in the UK estimates only 16% of autistic adults vs 66% of the rest of the adult population are in full-time employment. A neurodiverse person with a special interest or hyperfixation on basketball, though, might stay up for hours learning about basketball, whether that's the origins of the sport, major basketball games or players of the sport, the rules of the game and where they came from, and/or tactics to actually play. Neurodivergent is the opposite of neurotypical, which just means someone whose brain works the way that our society expects it to (“normally”). Another major point for neurodiversity opponents is that racial or sexual orientation differences do not functionally disable a person whereas neurological differences can. For instance, there are people working on developing inclusive education strategies based on the neurodiversity paradigm, who don’t identify as social justice activists or as part of the Neurodiversity Movement. However, most people agree that people with autism, automatically aren't "neurotypical". Author David Pollak sees neurodiversity as an inclusive term that refers to the equality of all possible mental states. and "The 'neurodiversity' movement trivializes what can be a debilitating and life-denying disorder. Many people mistakenly use neurodiverse where the correct word would be neurodivergent. Neurovariance. Humanity is neurodiverse, just as humanity is racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse. Neurodivergent is a word that describes people that don't have a "typical" mental state such as people with depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, eating disorders, etc. I encourage readers to share this post anywhere it might be useful. I see many people – scholars, journalists, bloggers, internet commenters, and even people who identify as neurodiversity activists – get confused about the terminology around neurodiversity. As mentioned above it is a portmanteau of neurologically typical and its antonyms are neurodivergent and neurodiverse. Neurodiversity is an approach to learning and disability that argues diverse neurological conditions are result of normal variations in the human genome. Of all the terminology errors that people make in writing and speaking about neurodiversity, the incorrect use of neurodiverse to mean neurodivergent is by far the most common. These differences can include those labeled with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette Syndrome, and others.". This is not a proper diagnosis, so don't act like it is. Their misunderstanding and incorrect usage of certain terms often results in poor and clumsy communication of their message, and propagation of further confusion (including other confused people imitating their errors). Language: English (U.S.). Neurodiversity refers to the natural range of difference in human brain function, but in a workplace context, it's an area of diversity and inclusion that refers to alternative thinking styles, such as (but not limited to) dyslexia, autism, ADHD, and dyspraxia and those persons that may have experienced trauma or attachment issues which in turn has impacted on brain development. Neurotypical. These dynamics include the dynamics of social power inequalities, and also the dynamics by which diversity, when embraced, acts as a source of creative potential. The word Neurotypical (NT) is the the opposite of Neurodivergent. A neurominority is a population of neurodivergent people about whom all of the following are true: 1.) It applies to conditions such as autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). The study found that part of the non-cisgender identities could be related to having behavioral preferences of the opposite sex, but this failed to explain the higher prevalence in neurodiversity. Revised Publication Date: 2021-01-23. Neurotypical can be used as either an adjective (“He’s neurotypical”) or a noun (“He’s a neurotypical”). The mother might tell me that her neurodiverse teen should understand that if the garbage was there, the chore of taking it out needed doing. Neurodiverse people more broadly are unlikely to earn higher scores in interviews than less-talented neurotypical candidates. Some forms of innate or largely innate neurodivergence, like autism, are intrinsic and pervasive factors in an individual’s psyche, personality, and fundamental way of relating to the world. Neurodiversity is a biological fact. i start getting anxious and losing my breath over things i didn’t used to get nervous over. You will come across different definitions. Neurodiversity — What is neurodiversity? A neurodivergent attribute includes a different way of thinking and approaching situations when compared to the ... with my unique presenting skills, makes me a part of the neurodiverse culture. In other words, a condition such as autism is a part of who the person is and to take away the autism is to take away the person. Neurodiversity is an approach to learning and disability that argues diverse neurological conditions are result of normal variations in the human genome. I draw from my own and my family’s experience in crafting the characters. DR. NICK WALKER'S NOTES ON AUTISM, NEUROQUEERING, & SELF-LIBERATION. 50 Comments. "In the online sphere, autism and neurodiversity are worn almost like fashion items by people who can often blend imperceptibly into the so-called neurotypical population." The terms “neurotypical” and “neurodiverse” originated as a more comprehensive way to describe autism. Neurodiversity activists reject the idea that autism should be cured. Diversity is a trait possessed by a group, not an individual. Groups are diverse; individuals diverge. without a defined neurological difference. “My neurodiversity makes it hard for me to cope with school.” It simply says that all human minds on the planet are necessarily different. The term originated in the autistic community, as a way to refer to non-autistic people, and is used to describe a person whose neurological development and state are typical, conforming to what most people would perceive as normal. The Neurodiversity Movement is a social justice movement that seeks civil rights, equality, respect, and full societal inclusion for the neurodivergent. Being neurodivergent means that your brain and mind don’t function in conventional ways. “If the primary language of the society in which you were born is well-suited to the purpose of describing your sensory experiences, your needs, and your thought processes, you may have neurotypical privilege.”, “My sister is NT, but after growing up with an Autistic father and brother, she’s quite at ease with other people’s neurodivergence.”. In recent years, big names including Hewlett Packard, Vodafone and Microsoft have all run autism-focused employment programmes. The word ‘neurodiversity’ was created as a term to describe a new movement towards neurological diversity being accepted and respected in society. And, as I increasingly find myself in the position of reviewing other people’s writing on neurodiversity – grading student papers, reviewing submissions to journals, consulting on various projects, or even just deciding whose writings I’m willing to recommend to people – I’m getting tired of running into the same basic errors over and over. Those with "low-functioning" autism are often significantly impaired in their everyday functioning, and may not be able to function effectively with even the extensive use of advanced assistive technologies. These individuals and groups are quite diverse in their viewpoints, goals, concerns, political positions, affiliations, methods of activism, and interpretations of the neurodiversity paradigm. 2.) The term neurodivergent is used to describe a variety of conditions related to cognitive abilities, though more often people with these conditions prefer neurodiverse. Neurodiverse non-cisgender people, just like neurodiverse asexual people, might be better off with new communities that focus on the more relevant relationship preference differences rather than on narrow and indirect gender and sexual issues. Neurotypical vs. Neurodiverse tests include: Neurodiversity has been a property of the biosphere since the evolution of sexual reproduction. In North America, Europe, and Australia, white people are the racial group that holds the most privilege and societal power. The terms neurodivergent and neurodivergence were coined by Kassiane Asasumasu, a multiply neurodivergent neurodiversity activist. (Ekblad, L. (2018, August 16). An individual can diverge, but an individual cannot be diverse. It’s not a perspective, an approach, a belief, a political position, or a paradigm. Should we force them all to live with it just for the sake of political correctness and so we don't hurt people's feelings? The adjective neurodivergent became necessary because the adjective neurodiverse is not logically meaningful. Really? Neurodiversity, as a biological characteristic of the species, can’t “claim” anything, any more than variations in human skin pigmentation can “claim” something. “Those who have embraced the neurodiversity paradigm, and who truly understand it, do not use pathologizing terms like ‘disorder’ to describe minority neurological variants like autism.”. You will come across different definitions. The concept of neurodiversity as applied to autism is criticized for being skewed towards the "high-functioning" individuals of the autistic spectrum or those with milder forms of the condition. Suicide rates are higher amongst neurodivergent people than any other group in society. But if you mean that your brain/mind doesn’t function in a way that’s considered “normal,” then yes, that means you’re neurodivergent. Are we going to call people with cancer "healthdivergent" and ban chemotherapy because cancer is just a "natural variation" in humans' cell replication mechanisms? Synopsis: Information and definitions that explain the meaning of neurodiversity, includes the neurodiverse movement, neurodivergent and neurotypical descriptions. Neurodiversity is a relatively new term coined in 1998 by autistic Australian sociologist Judy Singer. Attempting to “cure” future disability by preventing neurodiverse people from being born would be tremendously harmful to humanity. As mentioned above it is a portmanteau of neurologically typical and its antonyms are neurodivergent and neurodiverse. There is no such thing as a “neurodiverse individual.” The correct term is “neurodivergent individual.”. Other forms of neurodivergence, like epilepsy or the effects of traumatic brain injuries, could be removed from an individual without erasing fundamental aspects of the individual’s selfhood, and in many cases the individual would be happy to be rid of such forms of neurodivergence. The Neurodiversity Concept is VERY Controversial! Every neurodiversity activist I know of recognizes that neurodivergent people face challenges, discrimination, ... that any difference from the norm is an illness, injury, or otherwise.” And back to my original post, the label “neurodiverse” suggests the autistic brain is different from the non-autistic brain. It has nothing to say about Good vs Evil, Fit vs Unfit, Different vs Disabled In nature, things either survive to pass on their genes, or they don't. Neurodiversity is an approach to learning and disability that argues diverse neurological conditions are result of normal variations in the human genome. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the basic meaning of the term paradigm as "a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model". Neurodiversity activists reject the idea that autism should be cured. Approximately 15-20 percent of people are “neurodivergent.” – HoK report ‘Designing a neurodivergent workplace’ (1) With approximately 15-20% of people, or 1 in 8 adults being neurodivergent (1), it is an issue that is extensively present in our society. And these people have skills, and ways of seeing the world, that can be a real boon to businesses. “The neurodiverse?” Seriously? What does that even mean? The most significant distinction between the two is that the Neurodiversity Movement seeks to be inclusive of all neurominorities, not just Autistics. Some advocates even believe that common therapies for the behavioral and language differences associated with autism, like applied behavior analysis, are not only misguided but also unethical. They all share a similar form of neurodivergence. The social dynamics that manifest in regard to neurodiversity are similar to the social dynamics that manifest in regard to other forms of human diversity (e.g., diversity of ethnicity, gender, or culture). New paradigms often require a bit of new language. While HSP is distinct, I think we’d find a lot of overlap in families/family systems of autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, addiction, affective disorders and other examples of neurodiversity. A neurodivergent person is defined as one whose neurological development and state are atypical, usually viewed as abnormal or extreme. Still others reject the word because they think it sounds too medical. Non-cisgender identities in neurodiversity could better be explained by having neurodiverse relationship preferences or lacking typical relationship preferences. So human brains and minds don’t differ from one another? The neurodiversity paradigm was taken up first by individuals on the autism spectrum. An organization that supposedly serves the needs of neurominority children should have a more neurodiverse board.”, “This group welcomes Autistics and other neurodiverse people.” The idea that the neurodiverse perspective is only an excuse rejects the reality of the needs of the neurodiverse person. Neurodiversity is not a trait that any individual possesses. Twilah Hiari April 8, 2018 - "A cornerstone of the neurodiversity movement is the assertion that autism is an exclusively genetic condition. Groups are diverse; individuals diverge. According to the BIMA Tech Inclusion and Diversity Report, neurodivergent employees are more likely to be impacted by poor mental health, 84% vs 49% for neurotypical workers. This portmanteau of neurological and diversity originated in the late 1990s as a challenge to prevailing views of neurological diversity as inherently pathological, instead asserting that neurological differences should be recognized and respected as a social category on a par with gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability status. He needed a direct, clear instruction. These differences can include those labeled with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette Syndrome, and others. When an individual diverges from the dominant societal standards of “normal” neurocognitive functioning, they don’t “have neurodiversity,” they’re neurodivergent (see below). The person who wrote this sentence was probably trying to object to the neurodiversity paradigm and/or the positions of the Neurodiversity Movement, and has ended up sounding rather silly as a result of failing to distinguish between these things and the phenomenon of neurodiversity itself. Of course, sometimes people use the word in the context of criticizing the behavior of neurotypicals, but that doesn’t make it an intrinsically negative word. If you score highly, consider contacting your GP to arrange a diagnosis. The daughter in question might be non-autistic, but might also not qualify as neurotypical – she might, for instance, be dyslexic or have Down Syndrome. Neurodiverse applies to a community of people whose members are neurodivergent. It is the same with the misuse of the term neurodiverse to mean “non-neurotypical.” To describe an Autistic, bipolar, or otherwise neurodivergent person as a “neurodiverse individual” is not merely an incorrect usage of the word “diverse,” it’s also ableist. It therefore makes sense for organisations to take steps that make their neurodivergent staff feel valued, part of the team and supported to contribute fully towards achieving the goals of the organisation. Using neurotypical to mean non-autistic is like using “white” to mean “not black.”. But we do not use the term “racially diverse” to mean “non-white.” “Racially diverse” means “including members of multiple racial groups.”. Neurodiverse applies to a community of people whose members are neurodivergent. Just because you value neurological differences doesn’t mean you’re denying the reality of disabilities Her hope and objective was to shift the focus of discourse about ways of thinking and learning away from the usual litany of deficits, disorders, and impairments. A neurodiverse person with a special interest or hyperfixation on basketball, though, might stay up for hours learning about basketball, whether that's the origins of the sport, major basketball games or players of the sport, the rules of the game and where they came from, and/or tactics to actually play. Remember, neurodiverse people are not necessarily ill. Of all the terminology errors that people make in writing and speaking about neurodiversity, the incorrect use of neurodiverse to mean neurodivergent is by far the most common. Neurodiversity is a natural and valuable form of human diversity. Neurodiversity advocates promote support systems (such as inclusion-focused services, accommodations, communication and assistive technologies, occupational training, and independent living support) that allow those who are neuro-divergent to live their lives as they are, rather than being coerced or forced to adopt uncritically accepted ideas of normality, or to conform to a clinical ideal. A garden or state may have a lot of 'biodiversity' and hence you may call it a 'biodiverse ecosystem'. Neurotypical is not synonymous with non-autistic. Neurodivergent doesn’t have any associated negative connotation. Having an atypical neurological configuration, for example a person who has a developmental disorder and/or a mental illness. “We employ a wide variety of creative teaching strategies to accommodate the many different learning styles represented in our highly neurodiverse student body.”, “My neurodiverse family includes three neurotypicals, two Autistics, and one person who’s both bipolar and dyslexic.”, “I think every single member of their board of directors is neurotypical. This position is no longer tenable in the face of statistical and epidemiological analysis..." Neurodiversity is an approach to education and ability that supports the fact that various neurological conditions are the effect of healthy changes in the human genome. So, as a public service, I’m posting this list of a few key neurodiversity-related terms, their meanings and proper usage, and the ways in which I most commonly see them misused. Share it with college students who are writing about neurodiversity. People whose neurological development is atypical are referred to as "neurodivergent". Neurodivergent is an antonym of neurotypical. The mother had asked the neurodiverse teen to take out the garbage once but did not specify that the teen was expected to take out the garbage every week. "Neurodiversity is not a word about autism alone. Martin Luther King, Jr. Neurodiverse vs Neurodivergent. The Autism infinity symbol is becoming a popular alternative to the puzzle pieces autism symbols. That’s the neurodiversity paradigm (see below), not neurodiversity itself. Neurodiverse cannot be used to mean “non-neurotypical,” because neurotypical people, like all other human beings, are part of the spectrum of human neurodiversity. The form of neurodivergence they share is one of those forms that is largely innate and that is inseparable from who they are, constituting an intrinsic and pervasive factor in their psyches, personalities, and fundamental ways of relating to the world. From this point of view, some neuro-minority states are treated as medical conditions that can and should be corrected. introvert vs extrovert, neurodiverse, autistic), different types of tasks (e.g. The word "neurodiverse" strictly should not be used to describe a single individual. The form of neurodivergence they share is one to which the neurotypical majority tends to respond with some degree of prejudice, misunderstanding, discrimination, and/or oppression (often facilitated by classifying that form of neurodivergence as a medical pathology). The word "Neurodiverse" refers to a group of people where some of the members of that group are neurodivergent. Neurodiverse refers to a group where some members are neurodivergent. “Neurodiversity is a load of nonsense.” In recent years, big names including Hewlett Packard, Vodafone and Microsoft have all run autism-focused employment programmes. Like most civil rights movements, the Neurodiversity Movement is made up of a great many individuals, some of them organized into groups of one sort or another. The Office For National Statistics doesn't break down unemployment by neurodiversity, so there are no specific statistics on unemployment among neurodivergent people. Neurodiversity is the concept that people's brains are as diverse as humanity is. Being part of the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender) community biased answers to questions about gender identity. This isn’t a well-worded question because there are other possibilities. This writer is actually trying to talk about either the neurodiversity paradigm or the Neurodiversity Movement. To me, neurodiversity is the idea that neurological differences like autism and ADHD are the result of normal, natural variation in the human genome. Gender identity in autism and neurodiversity. Difference vs. disability. Attempting to “cure” future disability by preventing neurodiverse people from being born would be tremendously harmful to humanity. Diversity is a property of groups, not of individuals. The idea of neurodiversity can have benefits for kids with learning and thinking differences. These efforts to … Indeed, their voices are some of the most influential within the neurodiversity movement (e.g., Sequenzia, 2012 ), although admittedly these voices are a minority within the advocacy community – just like in autism research and practice more broadly. NEURODIVERGENT, or ND (and NEURODIVERGENCE), Neurodivergent, sometimes abbreviated as ND, means having a brain that functions in ways that diverge significantly from the dominant societal standards of “normal.”. The opposite of neurodiverse would be neurohomogenous (meaning “composed of people who are all neurocognitively similar to one another”). Advocating for understanding. The neurodiversity paradigm is a specific perspective on neurodiversity – a perspective or approach that boils down to these fundamental principles: 1.) Neurodivergence is fairly common, so most workplaces are already neurodiverse. Materials presented are in no way meant to be a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified practitioner, nor should they be construed as such. Neurotypical means being "neurologically typical" - within the typical (average) range for human neurology.