It is on 24 Chaitra 2074 that is on March 25, 2018. Dashain Tika 2020 date, Timings of Dashain Tika in 2020. 7 Baishakh 2078, Tuesday April 20, 2021. ... with a Nepali Calendar mobile app to help Nepalese living abroad stay in touch with Nepalese festivals and important dates in Nepali calendar year. Do you want to know when Dashain is in 2020 or when Dashain is in 2077? Tika Muhurat on Dashain 2020 The detail date / calendar of Dashain in 2020 or Dashain in 2077 is given here. Tihar 2077 is in Kartik month and Chath Parba is also in the Kartik month. Pratipada ... Chaite Dashain/Bhaumashta... 7 Ashtami 20. The meeting will start after 3 PM. One can check it now. Chaite Dashain is on Chaitra Sukla Ashtami according to Hindu lunar calendar. Chaite Dashain 2018 date is 25 th March 2018. Shasthi . So, Chaite Dashain 2074 date is 11 th Chaitra 2074. Likewise, it will endorse a 15.79 percent dividend proposed to the shareholders. The Government of Nepal has made a cabinet decision for the following national holidays, public holidays, religious festival holidays and office hours for all government and public offices within one year from 2077-01-01 (2077 Baishakh 1) to 2077-12-31 (2077 Chaitra … Kartik 7, 2077 … The annual meeting will approve the financial reports of the three fiscal years. Dashain 2077 starts from Ashwin (Ghatasthapana) and ends on the Kartik 2077. Each recent months and years contains Nepali Date, English Date, tithi, festivals, events, holidays, bratabandha dates, Pasni dates, marriage dates etc. Chaitra 29, 2077 Sunday (April 11, 2021) : Ghode Jatra (Festival Holiday) ↺ How many Dashain Holidays are there in the year 2077 BS (2020-2021 AD) | Nepal? The date of Dashain falls in either in September or October (Ashoj or Kartik) each year, depending on the cycle of the moon. Dashain 2077 starts from Ashwin (Ghatasthapana) and ends on the Kartik 2077. 31 Chaitra 2077, Tuesday April 13, 2021. List of National Public Holiday in Nepal 2077. When is Dashain in 2020 or Dashain in 2077 B.S.? 2077 Nepali Patro, Dashain 2077, Tihar 2077, 2077 Baishakh Patro, 2077 Jestha Patro, 2077 Ashadh Patro, 2077 Shrawan Patro, 2077 Bhadra Patro, 2077 Ashwin Patro, 2077 Kartik Patro, 2077 Mangsir Patro, 2077 Poush Patro, 2077 Magh Patro, 2077 Falgun Patro, 2077 Chaitra Patro. All are the similar question. Nepal Hydro Developers Limited (NHDL) will convene its 12th, 13th, and 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Chaitra 17, 2077 BS. Tihar 2077 is in Kartik month and Chath Parba is also in the Kartik month. 20 Falgun 2077, Thursday . Asian nations like India, Bangladesh and Myanmar observes this Dashain as Chaitra Navaratri. Nepali Patro 2077, Nepali calendar 2077, Nepali Patro with Events and Festivals of Nepal. "Nepali Calendar 2077 CHAITRA" It is also known as bikram sambat calendar, This nepali calendar is a collection of more than 100 years of calendar with english dates (A.D) on it, which include all the events and festivals. Auspicious Time for Dashain Tika on 26 October 2020, Dashain Tika Muhurat on 26 October 2020. Morning 10 : 19 Mar 04, 2021 ... Dashain is not an inch less than the main Dashain. Each recent months and years contains Nepali Date, English Date, tithi, festivals, events, holidays, bratabandha dates, Pasni dates, marriage dates etc.