There is a certain set of qualities you can look for in a good team player versus a bad team player. bouncy. hoops noun. What are some adjectives that describe basketball and begin with the letter B? Synonyms for Basketball Player (other words and phrases for Basketball Player). What is an adjective of basketball? 13 qualities of a great athlete in English This article is about some qualities that great athletes have. He won 11 NBA titles in the 13 seasons that he played with the Boston Celtics. It starts with the letter “T”. American the game of basketball. While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. When teams have players that are quick to point out the errors of others and tie how they treat a player to his/her performance on any given day, the team unravels quickly. Select from this list for shirts, banners, posters, t-shirts, jerseys, signs, warm-ups, locker room, and more. Posted on Jan 30th, 2014, 9:42 AM, , User Since 122 months ago, User Post Count: 39,721 It can be used to describe the color of leaves in the spring, a frog, or a sign that means 'go'. Adjectives for basketball might be powerful, jumping, dribbling. Definition: a player who leads the offense for a team (as in basketball or hockey) “Crowley sank nine baskets and Fisher six. Long before South Africa's Tendai Mtawarira came along, this was the go to word for describing any underage player who could execute a proper dump tackle. Good for both girls’ and boys’ basketball teams. 6) Resiliency: Every season has its ups and downs. What Makes Someone a Good Team Player? 5. The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). a ball that is in during a game such as tennis or basketball is within the area of play. What is this in regards to? Charles Small, a center, was the playmaker on many occasions.” — Boston Herald, 20 December 1933) Playmaker has seen its meaning go through a number of shifts over the past few centuries. A huge collection of basketball slogans, phrases, sayings, mottos, and quotes. Those who are good at working in a team don’t necessarily act or work the same way, but what they do have in common is that you can count on them to benefit the team rather than breaking it apart. in adjective. Every team will face adversity. Another way to say Basketball Player? This adjective is a color. Rally your basketball team, inspire your fans and liven up the crowd with some great basketball slogans! It will teach you some useful words and phrases for describing people in English. Describing Words. Bill Russell, American basketball player who was the first outstanding defensive center in the history of the National Basketball Association and one of the sport’s greatest icons. This adjective can be used to describe a basketball player, a skyscraper, or a giraffe. Not all employees are good at being in teams. How about... tall, lengthy, coordinated, accurate, and pretty much any other generic sports adjectives haha in basketball, one of two players who are responsible for moving the ball around the court in order to create opportunities for their team to score. Beast. Support your teammates like family. 4. jump ball noun. in basketball…