When planning your answer to describe yourself in 3 words, it is a good idea to choose more than 3 words so that you can ensure you are fully prepared in the interview. Living in the Now. Sounds like a simple exercise, and for some it will be. On one hand, they may want to know how you fit into the company culture at your last job. Improve Company Branding The list of words that employees use to describe you paints a general picture of your company. The easiest way to get to it is www.ShepTV.com. Let's use my business as an example: For my business the three words I choose to describe my style were classic, rustic and feminine. If you are able to successfully describe yourself in 5 words, you will come off as a confident and capable candidate. 1. I was asked by a date what three words my friends would use to describe me. Add them together and the three words to describe my brand identity = classic, timeless and feminine. Flexibility, whether a spoken or unspoken value, is a critical component for any company … Empathetic. Sitemap. Just scroll down to the heading that reads Customer Service Week. Employees share what three words they use to describe OnPoint Community Credit Union. You want to know what makes them unique. To see whether you would be a good culture fit. After interacting with a customer, and that also includes your internal customer, also known as someone you work with, would they agree that these three words describe you? Other words might be quick, as in quick to respond, empathetic, caring, fun, edgy, high-end, conservative – You get the idea. The following words are ranked by how frequently they were mentioned by employees, from most frequent to least frequent. 1. All Rights Reserved. If so, you’ve delivered. Save adjectives like “dashing,” “devastatingly handsome,” “hilarious” and “suave” for your online dating profile. At the end of the day it will be interesting to see what word cloud we can come up with to describe our profession. Describing yourself isn’t always easy, but you may be surprised by how quickly those who know you can sum up your best attributes. The following terms are commonly used to describe company culture. She said, “ambivalent, flirty, and hardworking”. The following terms are commonly used to describe company culture. *Ask us about corporate license discounts. Integrity. I am honest, flexible, and come ready to work hard for my employer every day." 2. By giving you only three words to describe yourself, the interviewer knows that you are going to choose carefully! For information contact or www.hyken.com. You might ask some of your happier customers to come up with three words. By giving you only three words to describe yourself, the interviewer knows that you are going to choose carefully! By Young Entrepreneur Council @yec. Optional (Awards & Achievements, Hobbies & Interests) Related: 139 Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out. The following business vocabulary can be used to describe a business including its culture, mission, vision, goals, strategy, brand and initiatives. It is also a good practice to describe a business in a candid way in hopes that your description be perceived as authentic. Team Leadership Team Management Administration Strategy Development Management. Focus on the qualities that make you an ideal match for the job and the company. If you use these words to describe yourself, you’ll stand a better chance of landing a date and then transitioning to something more serious. I saw on your website that you describe your company as honest, transparent and you go the extra mile for your clients, quite literally. As culture is inherently difficult and slow to change, this can represent an economic moat that competitors with a negative culture may be unable to challenge. Explain why you chose each word to represent your… At Recruiterbox, one of the things we strive for is empathy. Company name b. It must be sewn into the fabric of your culture. Cookies help us deliver our site. The ultimate CX resource for anyone from frontline workers to CEOs striving to create customer amazement—at no cost! Explain why you chose each word to represent your company's culture. Ask your friends and family to describe you in 3 words and the reason behind the same. 3. Choose words that currently describe you, and not ones that describe, for instance, who you hope to be some day. The culture determines how employees describe where they work, how they understand the business, and how they see themselves as part of the organization. Make sure every word you choose is professional. Create a word cloud to help you communicate the survey results to the company. Make sure that you describe yourself in a way that fits within the company you’re interviewing with. As a recruiter, you’re constantly scanning resumes. Thanks for the article! If you ask them what three words they would use to describe you, they may not come up with the same three you did – although in a perfect world they would. Here’s my list: Employee Engagement Development Versatile Communication. You might ask some of your happier customers to come up with three words… 1. Download Now . Companies (see Buffer) who can offer this to their employees are considered to be amongst the top performing and successful businesses in the world.Using the word ‘transparent’ to describe your organisation’s culture, presents the work environment as a safe and … We're growing and have many NEW positions available! Family 12. Marketing Words That Make You Sound Ancient. Dates of tenure c. Description of role and achievement 4. – David Spinks, Feast. I want you to pull out a piece of paper and write down three words you would want your customers to say about you after they have done business with you. Additional demand for an company's products or services due to that company's failures. You might want people to think of you as easy, friendly and knowledgeable. Friendly 4. Let me know what the winning three words are! 3. Supportive 9. You can share this when networking. This is part of your definition of great service. Even if your business’ tone is a casual, fun one, there’s still a line you shouldn’t cross. A list of active verbs for describing goals. List as many as possible, and have a vote on the main reasons. 3) Why would this customer use you? If you had to write a list of single words that describe HR, what would they be? A company culture that is productive, creative and customer-pleasing can represent a significant asset. I told him that they would say I’m sarcastic, loyal, and caring. Three words that describe the culture of the company are as follows: Innovative- A company's culture should be innovative enough to improve and... See full answer below. You can create a word cloud to help you communicate the survey results to the company. Be specific: Provide examples that show how you have demonstrated your work ethic. The two words to describe my target market groups were timeless and classic. Friendly in that your people are genuinely friendly and care about their customers. Let’s see… If I had to pick three words, the first word would be ‘Funny.’ I am really, really funny. Intrigued by this question, as an experiment I recently asked my best friend for three words that she would use to describe me. Describe how your mind works. Our support team is vital to … Integrity is founded on honesty, accountability … Yep. If you find this question tricky to answer, you can use the 80/20 rule to identify your typical buyer. Often, organizational culture is vaguely defined and poorly communicated. … Now, back to the exercise. This article originally appeared as a blog post with the Harvard Business Review. 3. Words to Describe Your Company Culture. You’re a business. Engaging 5. … Entrepreneurial – you enjoy business and are willing to take risks to make a success of yourself. Let’s see… If I had to pick three words, the first word would be ‘Funny.’ I am really, really funny. Your response to the question, ‘’describe yourself in three words” should be concise, and you can practice on what to respond but be certain it doesn’t sound rehearsed. The other can be either. Consistent. Create a word cloud to help you communicate the survey results to the company. Make a list of these words and reason and pick the ones that you seem fit to your personality and the company. Alternatives: enterprising, aspirational. the dress code, the environment, or the communication style is … So, as we approach this year’s customer focused holiday, I want you to consider working through an exercise that will help you create a better customer service experience. Make a list of these words and reason and pick the ones that you seem fit to your personality and the company. And likely, your eyes start to glaze over when you see what feels like the millionth candidate use words like “strategic” and “driven” to describe themself on their LinkedIn profile. If you asked a sampling of employees, would you get consistent answers? The culture is considered quite strong when the companys image gets reflected through its culture. A list of active verbs to describe work performance. The list of words that employees use to describe you paints a general picture of your company. The list can go on and on. The Three Words that Describe Your Company. My passion for marketing kicked in and I asked our members to share 3 words to describe our Church. However, it's not a good idea to simply regurgitate a list of reasons why you are right for the position. Just make sure you use your employees’ own words to express them. Shepard Virtual Training makes this wish a reality! 200 South Hanley Rd., Suite 509 • St. Louis, MO 63105. How to decide which power words to use. Shep Hyken is a customer service expert, keynote speaker and New York Times bestselling business author. Describe yourself in just three words. After reading this, prepare your answer for every interview — but in preparing for this interview, you should look into the company’s website to better gauge what they care about. This problem has been solved! The way your people describe your company’s culture and work experience should form the foundation for your brand and all your internal retention efforts, as well as your external recruiting efforts. Education 5. An organization’s culture consists of the values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that employees share and use on a daily basis in their work. You might ask some of your happier customers to come up with three words. Choose from the below list of empowering words, the words that suit your workplace and embody them in your business. Use words … As an alternative, you may want to ask if they agree with your three words. If not, you now have an opportunity to improve. Transparent. 1. Home | Customer Service Articles | The Three Words that Describe Your Company. Let me share some examples to start your creative process. Show transcribed image text. Or, if you’re really good, they may come up with even better words than the ones you thought of. Please leave your words in the comments or email them to sabrina at hrchatterbox dot com. Think of all of the possible reasons why customers would use your product or service. If you didn’t get along with your coworkers or your coworkers would be likely to note that you didn’t fit in, it could mean that the company culture wasn’t a good fit for you. Employers are deeply interested in how you think and operate, and you should use one of your three words to accurately capture that. Casual. Professional history a. Just like a plane requires fuel to fly, so does an entrepreneur require passion to do what … In today’s business … Some words will be more effective than others in describing your specific skills and experiences. Research the company. 3. Report violations. This word hints at your attention to detail, your precision, your organizational skills, your … Don’t let the simplicity of this exercise fool you into thinking it is trivial or anything less than powerful. Courses: The Customer Focus™, Amaze Every Customer Every Time, The Package—Get Customer Focused and Be Amazing, and Five Ways to Create an Amazing Customer Service Experience. There are many, many words you can use to describe a business or someone in a business. Have you ever ordered your favorite pizza at a chain’s new location only to find it doesn’t … 2. Required fields are marked *. Fun 2. The program is available 24/7 so you can train on your schedule. Passionate. Meticulous. Nobody knows you better than yourself so all you have to do is put it into words! Again, thanks! Knowledgeable in that your people are smart and knowledgeable, and have an expertise that creates confidence for your customers. A vocabulary for describing the quality of products, services, experiences and work products. Flexibility. My work ethic is the same. If you had to describe your job in 5 words, what would they be? The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed or translated. What three words would you use to describe the culture you would foster at your company? Start networking and exchanging professional insights. Like these words? https://builtin.com/company-culture/words-to-describe-company-culture A list of techniques and considerations related to quality. Bad Answer “Three words. What 3 words best describe your business? The 3 words you select to describe yourself will help the employer or hiring manager better understand the way that you think, and gain insight into what you see as the most important qualities in an employee. Collaborative 7. As an alternative, you may want to ask if they agree with your three words. 4. Flexible 8. Thankfully as a random drawing the 2 that were picked (one from each location) were gracious! the organization creates opportunities for fun in daily work. Get Fresh Updates On your job applications, and stay connected. Visit our, Copyright 2002-2021 Simplicable. All Rights Reserved. Your customers agreeing with you is the big challenge. See the answer. A list of words that are common used to describe company culture. 3. Bad Answer “Three words. You must train people to deliver on these three words. At the end of the day it will be interesting to see what word cloud we can come up with to describe our profession. 2. The second word… Probably ‘Sesquipedalian’ because I know a lot of big words, like the word Sesquipedalian. All rights reserved. Explain Why You Chose Each Word To Represent Your Company's Culture. 3. Those results will be figured next week. Often the best strategy here is to think of action verbs, then modify them into adjective form. Copy them to your list and then add to them. That's not what the interviewer wants to hear in this answer. I’ve started one here just as an example. 1. You’ll also receive his weekly newsletter containing customer service tips, exclusive offers and business articles delivered right to your inbox! I put these words in to a wordle so we could visually see how we all felt about our Church. Try to choose 5 or 6 possible answers, so that then in the interview you can choose the 3 best answers and most relevant attributes for the job you're applying for. Be concise: Share your example succinctly, without rambling on too long. Your email address will not be published. You can use all the buzzwords you want, but if your language doesn’t align with your work environment, you’ll confuse job seekers, appear disingenuous and may even lose great employees. The 65 Business Words To Strike From Your Vocabulary Right Now. Best Words to Describe Company Culture. Skills 6. First, take … When you respond, keep in mind the type of position you are interviewing for, the company culture, and the work environment. 5 Top Customer Service Articles For the Week of September 19, 2016, 5 Top Customer Service Articles For the Week of March 8, 2021, Guest Post: 5 Tools to Uplift Your Store’s Customer Experience, How to Handle Lost Luggage: A Lesson From the Airlines, 5 Top Customer Service Articles For the Week of March 1, 2021. Shutterstock. Additionally, you can use the word cloud as part of your recruitment efforts to attract new employees. The definition of alternative hypothesis with examples. Animal Shelter Worker "I am a very dedicated and loyal employee. You want to avoid giving an answer that everyone else has likely given. Register now or log in to join your professional community. The second word… Probably ‘Sesquipedalian’ because I know a lot of big words, like the word Sesquipedalian. Do you wish you could have Shep Hyken train your employees one-on-one? Assertive – ‘In time, you will come to know that I am assertive and unapologetic in my beliefs.’ To be … See if they match yours. There is one main principle you need to keep at the forefront of all your activities but the good news is it’s pretty simple – don’t tell people how great your company is, show them. Your email address will not be published. Tags: better customer service experience, customer focused, National Customer Service Week. A company culture that is productive, creative and customer-pleasing can represent a significant asset. However, if you really need help thinking of words that describe you, consider asking some friends or … There’s another rule. Engaging: Suggests that employees will feel invested in their work because it speaks to their interests. I’m very excited to share this concept with you, especially as we approach National Customer Service Week. I ex Once you have your words, the question becomes simple. Try to use words that are unique and will set you apart. Innovative. Tips for Giving the Best Answer . Identify what you really WANT to sell. So glad you found the tip useful. Make sure every word you choose is professional. There will be other times when you are telling people about yourself when you might wish to use some of these words to describe yourself too. Use Our Mobile App . It’s smart to have a small collection of adjectives that describe you well and show you off in your best light—bonus points if they aren’t the same old tired words everybody else is using. Love it, Jan! Open-minded – you are willing to listen to other perspectives, learn new things, and be open to different ways of doing things. Get the advice you need to start, grow, and lead your business today. It’s reality check time. Nurturing: Conveys that the company is invested in employees’ growth and development. I told him that they would say I’m sarcastic, loyal, and caring. Or, to put it in another way, there are words that you should never, ever use. If you’ve been following me for longer than a year, then you know that Customer Service Week is the first full week of October, and this year it’s October 3-7. Here are 10 different ways this can be useful for you: You can add this to your business plan. See if they match yours. If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable. Don't list your faults or weaknesses at this point! By the way, in addition to this, I’ll have five short videos that are released on my YouTube channel on each of the five days. Once you have your words, the question becomes simple. You also want to make sure that the words you’re using are words you’d actually use … Include specific examples of how your team embodies your company culture statement. Innovative. The thing you need to be mindful of, then, is what words you actually use. Because when you go all in with people you trust, good things tend to happen. A list of things that go into a firm's reputation. Describing yourself isn’t always easy but you may be surprised by how quickly those who know you can sum up your best attributes. The culture of a company , basically is the values and beliefs of the overall organization. Legal Information. Time to get out your thesaurus and choose some fun and new descriptive words! A vocabulary for describing work culture. What one word would you use to describe your company culture. The other can be either. A definition of project issue with examples. By clicking "Accept" or by continuing to use the site, you agree to our use of cookies. You want to avoid giving an answer that everyone else has likely given. For information on The Customer Focus™ customer service training programs go to www.thecustomerfocus.com. Try to use words that are unique and will set you apart. For example, you might get, “How would your colleagues describe you?” or “Use three words to describe yourself.” Either way, your overall approach would likely be the same. 970. No one cares what you think of your company because let’s be honest, it’s your company, you… You can use this as an elevator pitch. Intrigued by this question, as an experiment I recently asked my best friend for three words that she would use to describe me. In describing a business, buzzwords, jargon and flowery adjectives are avoided. Try These 6 Words to Describe Your Business In a sea of innovative companies, show how you do more. Fun. Or, if you’re really good, they may come up with even better words than the ones you thought of. There are many, many words you can use to describe a business or someone in a business. the company is always seeking new ways to stay a step ahead of the industry and is open to feedback and ideas. © 2010-2020 Simplicable. © 2021 Shepard Presentations, LLC. Entrepreneurs and startups require integrity. Your customers agreeing with you is the big challenge. If words are reused from person to person that is fine. The words you choose to describe your character should be positive and self-affirming. Go! Here are the top 20 words they used to describe their cultures. 24th June, 2009 Articles This morning Kate Tribe of Tribe Research presented a webinar for members of the HerBusiness Network in which she shared great tips and resources on how to use market research in your small business. If the three words are truly representative of the experience you create for your customers, you must relentlessly promote these three words internally. For customer service week we asked our customers to write down 3 words that describe our customer service and then are having them put it into a box for a random drawing to be held at the end of the week. Thank you! As culture is inherently difficult and slow to change, this can represent an economic moat that competitors with a negative culture may be unable to challenge. Winner 1) Reliable, Caring, Appreciative; Winner 2) Congenial, Superior, Local. Expert Answer . I was asked by a date what three words my friends would use to describe me. Follow Can you mention 3 words to describe a great manager? If words are reused from person to person that is fine. Competitive – you revel in going up against others and trying to win at whatever you do. Your one-sentence business statement is a clear and concise description of what your business does, who you do it for, why you do it, and what sets you apart from your competition. Sign up to receive Shep Hyken’s special report on achieving customer amazement! Asking friends, family or colleagues can be a useful way to learn what words others would use to describe you. Bryan A. Garner Harvard Business Review. There are many, many words you can use to describe a business or someone in a business. Make people happy every day. 1. Ask your friends and family to describe you in 3 words and the reason behind the same. Shepard VT is an interactive online training solution that's the next best thing to in-person training with Shep! Yes, you may have the skills to do lots … If you ask them what three words they would use to describe you, they may not come up with the same three you did " although in a perfect world they would. Solution for What three words would you use to describe the culture you would foster at your company? Additionally, you can use the word cloud as part of your recruitment efforts to attract new employees. Question added by Ghada Sameer , … Follow these three steps to describe yourself professionally and deliver the perfect response: 1. Easy in that you are easy to do business with, no friction or hassle. What Does "franchising" Mean To You? Then, and this is important, ask why. Yet, for others it will prove difficult. A definition of visual identity with examples. Coming up with the three adjectives is the easiest part. The difference between corporate reputation and corporate image. Innovative Motivated Selfish Transparent Caring Collaborative Positive Integrating Integrity Nurturing Hierarchical Friendly Driven Achievement Open Teamwork Credo Competitive Comfortable Passionate Progressive Good Honest Excellence Conservative Cooperative Accepting Innovation Ethical Agreable Dedicated Diverse. https://hyken.com/customer-service-culture/three-words-describe-company You might be asked to put context around one or a few of the words you list. Being Proactive. Asking friends, family or colleagues can be a useful way to learn what words others would use to describe you. The results were tallied and I did convince the boss to give the employees an opportunity to take a guess at the top 3 words they thought the customers used. "I am a very dedicated and loyal employee. Transparency means trust and makes you feel part of a group, which is always a good thing. Rewarding 6. Reproduction of materials found on this site, in any form, without explicit permission is prohibited. The most popular articles on Simplicable in the past day. We gathered all the date from this feedback and created a list of 65 powerful words for your business. Use the STAR technique. Getty Images. Intelligent I am then hoping my boss will take it a step further and ask the employees what they think the top 3 words were used to describe our customer service. Coming up with the three adjectives is the easiest part. Culture is also a driver of decisions, actions, and ultimately the overall performance of … Alternatives: non-judgmental, unbiased, impartial, tolerant, accepting. Innovation is an important constant for companies that grow and thrive. August 20, 2019 Tweet; Could you accurately and succinctly describe your company culture right now? 4. She said, “ambivalent, flirty, and hardworking”. Use the STAR technique. Shep, Took this to my boss; along with a proposal. Improve Company Branding The list of words that employees use to describe you paints a general picture of your company. Challenging 3. Inc. helps entrepreneurs change the world. Empower; Enrich; Commitment; Believe; Abundance; Passion – Passionate (about the work); Expansion; Gratitude; Consistency; Peace; Motivating: Implies that the company is inspiring, and employees will feel compelled to work hard. Exciting 10.Caring 11. Follow on Twitter: @Hyken, Posted in Customer Service Culture, Internal Customers by shephyken.