A typical AGM will go along the following way: Members sign the roll Quorum gets established (minimum number of members required to have a … However, the society’s bylaws might require the AGM to be held by a specific date in the year. The quorum (minimum number of members required for the meeting to be considered valid) for every general body meeting of the Society is 2/3rd of the total number of Members of the Society or 20, whichever is less. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – SAMPLE SCRIPT Page 1 October 2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) SAMPLE SCRIPT The following AGM Sample Script is based on areas addressed in SaskCulture’s annual general meeting. Sec318 Quorum at meetings. Quorum for AGM For conducting the business at the AGM, the law stipulates that a minimum number of members need to be present, called the ‘quorum’ of the meeting. society and the committee of 10 with 2 reserved seats for women and 3 reserved for caste based are vacant what is the quorum to conduct a valid committee meeting. Related to society committee. Incase members present are less than quorum, AGM will be postponed for half an hour whatever member of members present will be considered as quorum and will carry out required activity of AGM. It can only be increased and not reduced below minimum. (1) In the case of a company limited by shares or guarantee and having only one member, one qualifying person present at a meeting is a quorum. As per section 103(1), the articles of the company can provide for a larger number for quorum for meetings. The template of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of a company given hereunder can be used for both public and private companies. the minimum number of members whose presence is necessary for holding a meeting. The quorum of a body of delegates, unless the by-laws provide for a smaller quorum, is a majority of the number enrolled as attending the convention, not those appointed. Address: < Mumbai – 400001> NOTICE FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF Notice is hereby given to all the members that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the financial year <2014-2015> of the Society will be held at _____ on