This article defines the terms responsibility, accountability and liability within a health care context. responsible: [adjective] liable to be called on to answer. The definition of “launching state” has been addressed in the key documents that comprise the body of international space law, including the Outer Space Treaty and Liability Convention. n. one of the most significant words in the field of law, liability means legal responsibility for one's acts or omissions. This suggests the two are synonymous, but this is not the case. See more. Cornock, Marc (2011). Definition: To say that a person is "responsible" means that he is able to pay a sum for which he is or may become liable or to discharge an obligation which he may be under. The definition of obligation in law refers to the responsibility to follow through on actions agreed upon in a contract, promise, law, oath, or vow. Responsible. Both business ethics and social responsibility are important for businesses. Law Dictionary. Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] Law and Legal Definition. Duty of Care. The obligation to answer for an act done, and to repair any injury it may have caused.This obligation arises without any contract, either on the part of the party bound to repair the injury, or of the party injured. Legal representative’s powers and responsibilities The PRC Company Law does not clearly define the powers of a legal representative. Also may refer to the liability in criminal law … Legal definition for PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: The legal and ethical requirements to which a professional must adhere in the provision of services to clients. While there is correlation between the two, they are not interchangeable and have different meanings. The definition of social responsibility is the obligation someone has to help the greater community. Corporate social responsibility refers to the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES OF RESPONSIBILITY Far from "lionizing" Felt, our article pointedly noted that his "actions were of dubious legality," that his 'judgment was imperfect [and] his motives were mixed." The laws of state responsibility are the principles governing when and how a state is held responsible for a breach of an international obligation.Rather than set forth any particular obligations, the rules of state responsibility determine, in general, when an obligation has been breached and the legal … Definitions from Black's Law Dictionary: 2nd Edition and Ballentine's Law Dictionary as are available for each term in each dictionary. The purpose of this article is to legally define the terms responsibility, accountability and liability. As with the definition of international responsibility in article 1, also article 48 avoids restricting the scope of obligations owed erga omnes by limiting their beneficiaries to States alone. See more. Use of the phrase “corporate social responsibility” is so prevalent in recent years that it is frequently abbreviated to “CSR.” Even when social responsibility is mentioned on its own, a corporate element is often implied. Liable: Legal responsibility; the obligation to do or not do something; an obligation to pay a debt; the responsibility to behave in a certain manner. Definitions of Obligation In the original sense, the idea of obligation referred only to the responsibility to pay any money outlined in the terms of specific written documents. The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old. Define legal responsibility. See 66 Vt. 269, 29 Atl. A right granted by one person (or company) to another giving permission to the other person to do something that he could not legally … The behavior usually consists of actions, but can also consist of omissions when there is some duty to act (e.g., a duty to help victims of one's previous conduct).. Overview. The next two responsibilities represented my attempt to specify the A great deal of controversy has arisen, however, as to the appropriate legal tests of responsibility. Advertisement. legal responsibility definition in English dictionary, legal responsibility meaning, synonyms, see also 'legal aid',legal cap',legal holiday',legal medicine'. The Legal Terms * Responsibility, Responsible * Defined & Explained.