We have a frizzle hen, “Delilah”, a silkie hen, “Puff-Mama”, a frizzle rooster named “King of Everything”, and a group of 12 buff Orpingtons called the “Adventure Chickens”, Our names are Della Mae, Lucy and Ethel, big mama, and a rooster named Fabio (he’s a lemon blue Cochin and knows he’s handsome). Hyacinth Sula Our new legbars are Reggie & Buttercup. We were recently given 40 chickens. Nina Simone and Ella Fitzgerald ars our little black Bantams. I have 14 chickens, Their names are, Peach, Maple, Daisy, Hazel, Olive, Sunny, Pepper, Poppy, Lucy, Penny, Coco, Charlotte, Nutmeg, and Betsy. The characters on the list range from Looney Tunes rooster Foghorn Leghorn to Pokémon's Torchic. Black Australorps are Sandwich and Soup. My girls are Millie, Henrietta, Ginger, & CoCo. Brine. Alice (easier to say then LS for Little Sister), We have: My chicks names are Sunny, Shadow and Ozzie, it actually. I know who’s who and they know their names. We named our rooster after the Duke. Pidge When we got our three hens, I named them after deceased rellies. He’s huge into Marvel & DC comics & loves running around in his Flash cape which is why at 2 years old he came up with her name. Our son loved to play with a toy at the dr’s office: it was a firefighter female, hen!! My black sex-linked hens are Ella, Rosa, and Whoopi. There is a truck stop N of here called The Rebel that is famous for their burgers. I have named mine, rose, lily, poppy, daisy, Violet, hyacinth, Adam and Eve, lottie, lorcan, and little jammy I saved after she was abandoned, hence the name jammy I was there ? Gingy And we have a Barred Rock named Bernadette. Plain and simple i make sure the kids are nice and handle them with lots of tlc when they are babies. Jersey I have a Blue Maran hen (French Breed) that I named Blue Belle! Batgirl (son named her) was taken by a hawk. Just a heads up – female spelling is “Frances” with an e. Male spelling is with an i. Our new chicks are: one Black Australorp, Big Foot, one Amberlink, Marshmallow, two Comets, Star and Twinkle (or Twinkie), and two Speckled Sussex, Cricket and June Bug. The chickens we have are Henny Penny, Chickaletta, and Fanny. I still get to see him all the time. Agnes One of our own chicken names was taken from this list, Gandalf the Gray, the loudest most obnoxious Ameraucana you’d ever meet. Billina (after the hen in Return to Oz) ? I also have geese, Radar and Hotlips. Tina Turner (polish) Our current chooks are: Kingsley and then the new bertha… both eaten by a bear Peaches (Super sweet Buff Orphington), Our hens names were not found on your list I thought these are amazing names and wanted to share some so you can also use them if you are stumped on what to name yours! My new babies are We have Dolly Parton (likely to be renamed “Donny Pardon”), Taser Face, Roberta, Ruff and Tuff (two Buff Orpingtons), Toothless, and Miss Frizzle. I love it! And last I have a white chicken that is half swedish flower and I can’t think of a name for her which is why I’m here lol. Our chickens are Addie, Bessie, Charlie(rooster), Dottie, Edie, Flossie, Ferdie, Heidie, and Indie. Chicken Boo. Mabel Joke and punny chicken names are also a ton of fun. There are so many names to choose from, how do you pick one that perfectly reflects that little ball of fluff? Except my daughter could never remember that. They do not all have names yet, and perhaps never will (numbers! Our girls are, Blackie, Whitey Bulger(she’s the escape artist), Dottie, Spotty, Goldie,and Rue Blue, Little Gray Crazy Legs, Queenie and Henrietta. he is a fancy boy and wow can he strut. Mine are Lala Zelda- barred rock, came with the name. Our RIRs are Redrum and Blondie, RIW is Mike lee, there’s nigel, pepper, rusty, houdini and our former rooster’s name was zombie head. I had a RI Red hen that I named Cora Cluckenhymer. Cluck Garret – after Buck Garrett who was a Gunfighter and Lawman. My Russian orloffs are Yana and Polina. Can you recommend any duck names? This List was a great help! Luna, Camille, Marigold and still deciding on the fourth. I also have a hen named Hawk (she really looks like a hawk!). We have Goldie…but we arent sure what she is yet? 6 Hilarious South London Chicken Shop Names. I also had a “Chickpea”. I was completely in love with that show when I was a kid, and now I have no idea why! Recently Salmonella hatched three eggs – Sam, Eli,and Ella. Our list compiles funny names of food items, some puns, and a lot more. I have a half dozen I just call chicken too. Daisy, I have 8 (so far! There is Dumplin, Gizzard, LaLaPoopsie, and the one that jumps up to knock all food I’m serving them out of my hands-my husband named her-(FN chicken). Pennie Shortly after we received another 3 rescues, this time from a kosher chicken farm. Okay, I’m in love with the fact that you named one of your chickens after Jamie Fraser. I only have 3 so far, all three barred rocks. Now we finally have Princess Lay-a (Pearl) I got a text saying I had two brown eggs from our friends who were watching them. We have Alfredo, Waffles and Speidie. 25 Southern Chicken Names 25 Southern Chicken Names. Love all the names have had a good laugh. Coco My rowdy rooster is named Rue-Paul. Ariel, Fiona (from Shrek), Belle, Aurora, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White (aka “Red”), and Jasmine. Alice, Betty, Cleo, Frida, Hettie, Scarlett, Yellow Girl. Blue belle We have Durty Nelly (it’s after a pub in Limerick) and Durty Gertie, both are Brahma’s; 8-Piece (because she’s a *itch and will make a nice meal if she gets too fresh) and Gracie (she “graced us with our first egg), both are ISA Browns; Wendy and Chicken Little both Barred Rock; a new addition Bean (because she pops and jumps, it’s adorable) a Maran; and Betty an Australorp with black eyes (after the song Black Betty). Golden Laced Wyandott = Goldie She didn’t know if it was a hen or a roo so she gave it a name that would go either way ? They are… Austorlorp = Big Mama I often change their names a few times before I settle on the right one. Wagner, Wags, Comet, Asteroid, and Hailey… Golden Comets Haven’t named our barred rocks yet so I’m loving this list! Frankie Winnifred .. became Winston Whether they’re fighting crime or falling in love, these names are stronger together! My 3 hens are —– Sunni, Stormi and Sadie. Feathers Salt I like family names, and include among them family pet names. It’s basically naming them after what they are gonna turn into… , I name my chicks Sariel, Cinder, Kestrel, Myrtle and Bok Bok Choy, It is not that bad, i mean you could have a red chicken and name her pepper or cranberry or berry and a lot more so what’s the big deal i think it is kind of cute ya’ know, My chickens are named Scarlet, Honey, Sunny, Ginger and Bluebelle. I have 4 chickens named nugget, autumn, pearl and Gloria. My girls are Cutie, Julia, Judy, Rose, Cheyenne, Red, Angelica, Maia, Shadow and Storm. Poppy (earned her name by jumping up on everything, including me) daisy Fun chicken names from literature and film. and Roosters? I had a Serama rooster, the world’s smallest rooster, a hawk got him. Tetra Tints are Ivy, Daisy and Jasmine. They are Tippi (Hendren), Tallulah (Bankhen) and Ingrid (Berghen). Hetty feather Hennie Goober ( Rooster husband named) Going through a molt right now, so FN is really more fistey than usual. Cogburn. From the great book “ROOTS”! Pixie, winkle, dusty, brownie, luna, ciel and sol. 2 black sex link chicks : Darth and Bella (Bellatrix ) … we are harry potter fans , My original silkie flock was all Harry Potter too! White snow My board of chicken interests bears her namesake. We have chickens and are in the process of naming them. Named him Jose Cuervo. My chick was Sarah… then it was Sammy Hagar… then he went to live at the feed store cause he was super mean. Guinea fowl are ink and banshee,i need names for my roosters, When I got three chicks, my niece named them “Snap, Crackle, and Pop.”, My chicken’s names are Daisy, Dandelion, Buttercup, Sunshine, Star, Boomy, (short for Boom Chicka pop, the popcorn) Sky, Special, Mashpotato, Jewel, Sugar, and Ocean! Thanks for the list, I do need a new name for my future bante girl. You’re missing the classic: HENrietta. My 7 year olds first chick is an Easter egger named fluffy. Only one has a name yet. Color names: Rouge, Goldie, Noir, My niece helped me name my 8 buff orpingtons after Disney/movie Princesses. Made me think of the country song old red. Domino named Duce I am forever amazed at people’s creativities and imaginations. Daisy, Tulip, Lilac, Petunia, Lavender, Sunflower, Iris, Rose (y), Lily, Columbine, Sweet William (for your rooster! My chickens are named Pepper, Flower, Angle, Popeye, Ostrige.I am still deciding my new hatchlings name is going to be hopefully it will be one of those! Dandelion (aka “Dandy”) We have seven more we’ve yet to name. We were watching the HBO series Deadwood when we got our first chicks and that gave me the idea to look up names of old west “soiled doves”. Also named our barred Dominique, Flash, because as a chick & even now she’s super quick!! Only have 1 laying hen now and we call her Mama, have 4 pullets that we want to name. They are characters from the goofy old movie “Caveman”. From the golden age of horror in the 1920s to the romantic musicals of the 1950s, you'll find something for all chicken characters in this category. I wasn’t supposed to name them, so they are all “Chicken”, but they have middle names. Latifah… Rescue, believed to be Leghorn/Cornish mix Wilbur is named after my childhood chicken. I roared with laughter !!! Caramella- buff Brahma COCONUT Our 8 girls all have plant associated names: If you’re adding chicks to your flock and are starting to think about names, we’d like to offer a little help. My chooks are all flower names; Wally stands for Walmart Ten Dollar Chicken Deal, I have We also have Minnie (Easter Egger), Lucille (Red Sex Link), Big Bertha (Buff Brahma), and Guera (White Plymouth Rock; Spanish slang for white girl), We have six chickens names are: PJ(Peeps Jr), I have 5 chicks and I choose the names, Daisy, Francis, Honey, coco, and Dandelion. I have named my two hens Silver she is a ( phenix /old English game mix ) and Carmel she is a ( Orpington /Burnham mix )! I had a rooster that lost an eye to infection. We named ours after movie and TV bff’s. Wendy bird (bantam /Americana ) Olive Coming up with names for anything can be hard and naming your chicken coop is no exception. Gotta love me! We also had a few groups: The Kids, The New Kids, The Lakeland group, The Sharks. Our chickens are named Mr. Roo Roo Fuzzybottoms, Coty, Kathie, Hettie and Crooked Hillary (my husband’s contribution). When we brought home our first batch of peeping chicks we we were overwhelmed with excitement and adoration of these cute little birds. We had a little white Banty rooster (he had the cutest crow!) Also have ordered 8 RSL pullets, I had 6 chickens to begin with but two of them didn’t make it. We had a hen that would peck the front door. They are: Winnie, Spot, Blue, Wings and Roadrunner. She was “Elizabeth Taylor”. They are all as lovely as the flowers they are named after! I had a RI Red hen I named Cora Cluckenhymer for 2 years until an unknown varmit took her from me. We have no gender boundaries on our girls! General Gau. Emile Henny penny Lucy Chris. And 2 guineas named Gigi and Gigu. Not to mention 6 Appleyard duck eggs in the bator due to hatch in March. Mama (black sex link) Nicolas Bullen. LulaBell We have 9 in our flock. Charlita Cluck Norris/ Chick Norris. We had a rhode island red we named Red, kinda like Red from Orange is the new black! ❤️. But in all reality, I now have 28 hens, chick, chick is normally what I call them as too many to remember. Buff Orpington – Lady Godiva, nicknamed Divey Darcy( 50 shades of grey) Many of these names were taken directly from my favorite pop culture birds, the ones that light up the big screen and spring from the page with excitement. His Easter egger fluffernutter. We believe in the happy, healthy, spoiled, Even More Essential List of Funny Names for Chickens, Chicks or Pullets? Help us create another great list of chicken names by commenting on our Facebook page or giving your chicken a shout out on Instagram and tagging us. Tyson and Wilmer… Golden Sebrights Sure miss those cluckers. Nugget (and her bff Anda Biscuit) Chicken Hunter. If I get a... • We had three chicks hatch a week and a half before Easter, so we call them the Three Amigos. The turkeys, however are Bo (Pilgrim) and Buddy ( the elf)….They have way too much personality and have been given a pardon….for now….? I simply love the play on words, names, colors and so on. We have 3 Babcocks called Cluck Noris, Victoria Peckham and Margaret Hatcher. What?? So, when I first got my 4, they were tiny and straight run, so I called them “Our Sisters of Perpetual Poultry” but as they grew, it was clear one was a rooster. But sometimes we call Cloe and Carley Houdini, as they are always escaping out of their yard for an adventure:) I have 3 Easter Eggers and 3 Goldenlaced Wyandotte chicks and that’s why I’m here to check out names for them! . I had 3 ex-battery hens. I hope to have more soon, maybe black australorps named Thelma and Louise!! Ruby I have 7 girls that are named miss melody, Buffy, Oreo, marshmallow, little pecker ( L.P ), eagle, and honey. Gertie (golden Americana/ bantam) Edna ,, became Elmer Blue Smoke Flatiron. I have named them: I have two black hens I call Hickety and Pickety. Their eggs are just a bonus!!! Jasmine, ebony and Cinnabuns. So I am on here looking for 5 more names for some cute chicks. Tori Spelling has a chicken named Coco. Named them Chickletta (from Paw Patrol), Charlotte, Reba, Mini Trex(son wants to be a paleontologist), Aviva (from Wild Kratts) and Violet. A nosy Easter egger named Gerty, A huge white hen I call Fog Horn Leg Horn, Fat Mamma, Buffy, Domino, & Hattie (a top hatter), I don’t have any chickens yet, but hope to in the near future. Just came across this site while saving items of interest to my chicken board. Je’sus..as a chick it always walked on water. A good name could be nuzzle I aimed one of my chickens beaker to. The last four were named by our kids ages, 7,5,2, and the older kids named the babies Drooley because he drooled in the box of chicks when we got them. Since “sisters” are normally nuns, I thought about a good male counterpart and came up with ‘Frier.’ So instead I spelt it ‘fryer’ and he’s now Fryer Tuck! I also have Holly (Hobbie -a BO), Pippi (Longstocking- a RIR) & Mama (an older RIR I adopted), I had Thelma and Louise, silver wyandottes, Lavern and Shirley EE and Goldie Hawn golden Wyandotte that turned out to be an EE. Mr. Roo Roo is an all white silkie bantam rooster, Coty and Kathie are ISA browns, and Hettie and Hillary are Plymoth Rocks. My girls are Scarlett (on your list), Clara Mae, Hattie & Dixie (you have Dixie Chick. We are a backyard movement of crazy chicken people spreading their love across the world. We named our ducks Donald, Daffy, and Alfred. I have 4 hens that live up to there name everyday! Bernardette, I have 4 girls. Why not go for Cluck Norris or Princess Lay-A? She did something funny to start with and my son called her Goofball and it stuck till she changed too much. They are the sunshine in my day (‘)>. 15 February 2017. Marcy Then, today, my husband gets a case of chicken math and brings home two more. Little Blue. We also have 4 reds named Paprika, Cinnamon, Bertha Bootie & Big red. Ginger (aka “Gingie” and “GinGin;” she only lived to be about 8 months old) Lucille (Ball) Redhead Watch. I lost Hotlips one night and was running up and down the road, in the dark, with a fishing net, shouting “Hotlips, Hotlips where are you baby”! We named one of our roosters Tyrannosaurus Pex. My first chicken were 6 ex battery hens. Butch beat the snoggins out of a red tailed hawk that flew into his pen. I don’t like feather he seems like he is so pretentious. I named mine Unique, Melody, Floppy, and Sneaky. Earlier this year, I got a beautiful Lavender Orpington chick and named her Princess Diana. Dani Margarita IRIS Then Sadie May the sexlink that was hatched in May, Henny Penny, Popcorn which is a beautiful white and tan American Game fowl, Wynonna the Golden Wyandotte , Chicklet, Scrambles, Miz Ella, Dottie and Dolly as well as Mr. Buttons and Omelet the roosters. Daisy Muffin – red laced blue Wyandotte My favorites are in the Classic and Colors list but I noticed neither had Marigold, not one of our hens names but I see it a lot on BYCs and love it. We got 4 barred rocks this spring. My white frizzle Rooster is named Blizzard. My 1st 3 Easter Eggers were named Pickle, Butter, and Tater. I had the country western chicks and they were named Reba, Loretta, Dolly and Patsy. My rooster is Chantecleer. It also includes the titular lead of Disney's computer-animated modern classic Chicken Little to Camilla the Chicken from The Muppets. We figured if we gave them “boy” names we had a better chance they would be hens. We named our Rooster Atook and two hens Lana and Tala. Astro… Australorp (suffered wry neck as a chick. I named mine Happy Feet, Raven, Angel, Sam, and Turkey. Flower names: Blossom, Rose What would be some good names? Since our girls live in the “Creme de la Coop”, we felt it only fitting to give them French themed names. Big Arc Chicken. Hens; Chicken Little, Betty, Penny, Seven, Chicken Pox, Fatty Annie, Loki, Houdini, Marcia, Jan, Cindy, Scarlet, Winifred, Henrietta, Maggie, Pearl, Phriney, Dottie, Lucky & Sir Henry Highheels. My chicks names are Hordor, Johnni (after Johhny Cash), Chin Chin, Chicken Little and Baker. I have had chickens all my life! If hens, they will be Daisy and Buttercup . Chicken Names – 220 Adorable Ideas For Naming Perfect Poultry. 3 are named. I Named roosters Elvis, Murgatroyd, Harry Potter, Attilla, Killer, Silver Hawk, Butterscotch, Rascal, and Pervert. We all have a diverse flock of hens and as such have had the best time naming our girls. Last week we bought 2 babies and they are named Bowie & Prince. I have 9 little chicks under a hen, 4 are a bantam chocolate bard and 5 are bantam farm mix. We have Sweet Pea, Pebbles, Lemon Lime Lollipop (Lolli for short) and Hash Brown. I’ve named almost all my chickens. Bird names: Goose, Gull, Sparrow, Hawk And Ella Rip (my pet)I loved her more then my dog. I grew up on a dairy farm, and all our animals had names. Big Mama I had her for 2 years until some unknown varmit took her from me. Other names we love for the ladies? I later renamed her Ms. Winfrey, much more appropriate. RIR Marcy and Darcy Then one of the females is distinctively *not* an Americauna like the rest, so her name is Henrietta. Stubby stella( had no tail feathers for ages) .. became Steve I’ve tried to convince my kids to go with The Office theme. Fingers! Sadly Chutney has passed on, she was a very sick little girl. Last summer I hatched 8 chicks. I threatened my son I was going to name one of the boys Sal Monella after he read an article about salmonella in chickens. Shreck. At first I thought it was just an ‘ugly duckling’ type of chick but it actually turned out to be an ugly duckling! I have two grey silkie chicks and two Brahma chicks that have not been sexed yet so names are pending. Harry Potter is an excellent source. – Squakbox (for obvious vocal reasons), Opal I have a few to add to your list. Hotwheels!! I know this may seem like a funny topic for some people but for others its normal because people do have chickens as pets. I really love all the fun names others have named there ladies. So many to pick from! Oreo for barred rocks, oh and I have a Henny Penny too! Cartoon Characters: There are some famous animated chickens you can name your chick after, such as Chicken Little, Foghorn Leghorn, Sheldon, Lady Cluck, or … She is a rebel and gets on the porch even though she knows its off limits. More specifically a barred rock named Fingers Malone. Chow Mein..my Chinese Willie Required fields are marked *. Hens are Gwyneth-buff Orpington, Freckles-speckled Sussex, Athena-light Brahma, Freya-buff Brahma, Lily and Candy- Easter Eggers, Lucy-white Cochin, Ethel-partridge Cochin, and a golden laced Wyandotte with no name yet. Our girls are Ladyhawke, Goldie, Sadie, Gracie, Snickets, and our runty hen (actually a runt) named Pip, short for Pipsqueak! . Hazel And last of unnamed names was little man i had this one rooster he was our only small one i got him cause i fell in love with his colors. Have 12 girls, different varieties. Had a rooster that had coloring or a tequila sunrise drink. I have four Chicken’s there name’s are Daisy, Delilah, Francine and Starr we had a rooster named Abraham had to get rid of him he was beating up the chicken’s and aggressive toward’s all of us in the house.We just bought ten baby chick’s can’t wait to see what there going to look like when full grown, five of them are Blue Sapphire Gems. Thanks, Just got my flock. White Leghorn = Prissy (from the Foghorn Leghorn show) We have Willie Mae the bantam barred rock named after my grandmother. 2 RIR Thelma and Louise- always in everyone’s business and always in trouble!! He follows me around like a dog. If your favorite fictional chicken is missing, don't be salty - just add it to the list so that other people can vote for for it, too! The only chicken ( out of 26) with a name is the roo – Arnold Schwarzenegger. I have gotten some great ideas! Effie (after my husband’s grandmother), I just love old fashioned names for our hens, can’t wait to get a few more once we build a new coop, hopefully in the next month or so. This is a list of chicken dishes.Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world, and was one of the first domesticated animals. Spring is so funny, she always seems to be alone and in the most parcular places. Splat Hazel, Willow, Apple, Cherry, Bramble, Heather and Honeysuckle. Our first two chickes are called Pink & Floyd. Rudy… Buckeye Jackpot, we named ours tweety bird tweety fo short. Leghorns Fred and Scooter- because he can book it when the girls get tired of him! Just hatched two chicks which are mixed between Buffs and the Light Brahma. Lovely names. We believe in the happy, healthy, spoiled chicken. Ours were Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup. I have named hens Ponyo, Royal Lady Jessica, Lady J for short, Clover, Chicken Jane, Trouble, Creamy, CoCo, Sassy, Scarlet, Maybellene, Rooster Russell Crowe, but he is quite and doesn’t crow much. What about Potpie, Sweet pea, Olive, Ginger, Tilly, Ruby, Dolly (of course), Dusty, Rocky, Edna, Big Bird, Sunny, Harry Potter, Dottie, Amber, Henny Penny, Mary Poopins, Rose and Charlotte? My chicken lady friends and I started chatting about names for your pet chicken the other day. Though, if your children need help with names take a look at this list, it has some good ones on […], Your email address will not be published. Another year, I named my hens after the women on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. I used to have a hen named Eliza Jane Snow and a rooster named Ezekiel years ago. I named my chickens : lemon , muffin ,brownie , peace , lilo , stitch , noodle and Fish. Chickens are so cute with the heroic names. Star It is prepared as food in a wide variety of ways, varying by region and culture. Winnie and Hetty (Americana/brahma) There all Cute!! Edit. Her butt wiggle a lot when she runs. I really like the name Raven, then Robin, then Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg. Many years later, we’ve helped to name hundreds of chicks, and over time have compiled a list of super fun, creative, and perfect names for chickens. We have a pair of pullets that are inseparable….we named them Laverne and Shirley. PowerPuff girls, I have three hens named Stella (on list) Priscilla and Mitzy. (The vet just loved that name…), My chickies are known as the “Fluffy Dozen” but we are down one. Rooster: Sheldon. Lt., But goes by Roo-dog. Hen Solo (Hattie – after my mom’s grandmother) I was thinking the ducks could be named after different types of apples…, Rocky the Rooster (we are up to gen. 3) Daisy (Sweet little Wellsummer) Our chickens are Mille, Attila, Abigail, Little Foot, Sparta and our silkie was Feathers McGraw however she turned out to be a he so we renamed him Wolfgang. They changed his name to russel Crowe! We have Goldie, Patches, Holly, Chicken Little, Red, Peaches, Sadie, Bandy, Hey Hey, and a couple other hens that are nameless since they lall look identical. Not only are they easy to remember, they’re mighty cute too! Love these name! Chanticleer and the Fox (book) Chicken (video game) The Chicken and the Pig. My “Rhode Island Red” is named Ginger My “ chipmunk chicken” is named janette The kids named the little brown barnyard mix rooster Fudge. Dotte (Columbian Wyandotte) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fried chicken just might be the world's most versatile food. We named them Anne Frank, Barbara Streisand and Mary Christmas! Famous couples and dynamic duos inspired the names in this list. My hen had a beautiful marking around her neck, it looked like an ornate necklace. Alas all my girls have new homes as someone turned us in to the HOA. Tater Tot Not red??? I’ve used many of these names for my hens, there’s just something so funny about chasing after Loretta in the chicken yard! She ruled our roost! Each have a unique personality. And yes.. We started out ‘old’ alphabetical names with a few twists You may have designed your own coop or bought a book, like this one, with over 40 different coop plans.Whether your coop is designed to house 3 hens or a flock of 30, it’s nice to have a name for it. What’s the name of your favorite chicken? Gumbo, falcon, Mabel, Adel, Goldie, we had an Alfredo, but it ended up being a rooster, so I took him to a friend! Alright, so you see that there is many good names for chickens out there, you just have to think a little! Mine are Tulip, Buttercup and Daisy. I can’t go without leaving my chicken names too. My fave chickens names are Nemo, Peep, Bruce, Rojo, Azul, Andi, Old Coot, and Ding Dong. Lola Belle One of our own chicken names was taken from this list, first batch of chicks… My flock has collective names. Kung pow My favorite chicken name was bestowed on my lovely black Japanese Silky: Vera Wing. Rosie, Spice, Cinnamon, and Ruby… Rhode Island Reds I have 3 hens, Fifi, Gigi and Lula (from the character in the Stephanie Plum books). Dottie You can get it for free by signing up for our newsletter below! So far, there’s Lola They fit perfectly on the food list. I have 30 hens and 2 roosters. She also just watched Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 before we named them. Blue I’m still working on some other names as I get to know their personalities…. You can opt for Big Bird too, especially if you have a large yellow bird in the chicken coop. peep I had a fancy looking black and white frizzle roster and a red hen. My chickens names are Peace, Banana Split, Butterscotch, and Talker. We have 7 chickens: My family just got 6 hens today and we’re naming them Fry, Sunny, Ella, Chickpea, Lulu and Patty!! A creme and gray frizzle named SugarBritches and a little black frizzle named Sniglett. Legba named after Baron Samedi’s cockerel in Terry Pratchett books. We have a Buff Banty named Gracie and a Rhode Island Red, who is our sweetheart, named Dolly. Machete We have 9 ladies! Pepper , Rocky (Barred Rock Rooster) We have 3 ducks: Goose, Buttercup and Daffobill (Daffy) and then we have 21 chickens: Big Birtha and Betty Boop are our Blue Cochins, Buffy and Tonya Harding are our Buff Orpingtons, We have Teriyaki (Teri) and Sesame (MeMe) are our Speckled Sussex, Lucille Ball and Ginger Rogers are our Red Productions, Cleopatra, Alexandria and Cairo are our Egyptian Fayoumi, Ligthning and Thunder (wish I knew native american for them) are our Americauna, Ducky is our cuckoo Maran, and Lil Ade is our Black Maran. Chicken names - Minecraft . I have Billie, Betty, Millie, Hetty, Bridget and Poppy, along with Ginger that is already on the list. One is completely blond, so she got named blondie (not sure if my inspiration was the Blondie from the comics or the band from the ’80s) and the little brown striped one that’s very shy Bebe. Which to Choose for Flock Expansion, The Ultimate Guide to Raising Baby Chicks, Selecting the Best Chicken Breeds for Children | A Farm Girl in the Making.