You can make some notes to help you if you wish.] Synonyms for watching include vigilant, alert, cautious, observant, wary, observing, noticing, attentive, watchful and perceiving. We buy products from every corner of the world—at home. Describe a live performance you have watched. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.] When I was a “rugrat” my first theatrical performance was ‘Spidey’ and it was the most amazing and stunning production I’ve ever seen! Theatre or theater is the collaborative form of the fine art which is using live performance to present experience of the imagined or real event. Three years ago I watched the play 'Romeo & Juliet' by William Shakespeare at the city theatre that I consider a worth watching theatrical performance. This creates a larger than life performance which only works onstage. All rights reserved. Model Answer 1: To everyone, school days are considered as the best days of their life and they remember the memories for the rest of their life. A personal reflection and comparison of three forms of audience experience when watching a play, in this case The Tempest by Shakespeare, depending on where we view it and the delivery method used. Cutting the audio and just watching the performance in silence would have been a better solution than mangling the audio. After the play began I noticed a pin drop silence on the theatre except the performers' voices and background music. Or maybe I'm wrong. Model Answer 1: 'Family' is the most precious thing for everyone. The relationship between Romeo & Juliet fueled the anger and bitterness of the two families. A theatrical performance refers to a live play performance by actors in front of the audiences. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. Their dresses, stage, music, their makeup, their accent, the passionate acting created an illusion of real Romeo-Juliet era. In my family, I admire my father most. Tag: talk about a worth watching theatrical performance Talk About a Performance You Watched Recently? “The world is getting smaller,” we say. Describe a worth watching theatrical performance. Despite Jean Valjean’s lifelong struggle for redemption, police inspector Javert refuses to believe that Valjean can actually change his ways of life. Synonyms for theatrical performance include representation, performance, play, presentation, production, show, spectacle, concert, exhibition and staging. He is my hero in my life. IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 268 with Model Answer: Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance. Unable to find an honest job because of his past, Valjean decides to break his parole in hope of starting a new life under a false identity with the help of a bishop while suffering the relentless persecution of Inspector Javert over the years. Music, dance, theatre, object manipulation and other kinds of the performances are present in the human cultures. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. It was worth watching also because the show perfectly portrayed the real pictures behind the French revolution with the touch of class and realism, like no other shows, with a master class display of costumes, make-up and set design. If you can answer this cue card, you would also be able to answer the following cue card topics: 1. Model Answer 1: Journey inside a city like Mumbai is really troublesome if you do not have any private vehicle. How so, or how not?When asked to determine what sentences are about, philosophers oftenwill want to know what objects, properties, or relationships theobjects of a certain bit of human discourse are and what the referentsof its nominal and pronominal … Describe a performance that you enjoyed. 2. Whereas in films, the camera can always see you and the microphone can always hear you. "IELTS Sample Answer & IELTS Preparation". In the end, Jean becomes an exemplary man who fights against misery and injustice and decides to take charge of Cosette, a little girl, which changed his life forever. Onstage, the audience can easily be 100 feet or more from the performers. "Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance." This website uses cookies to ensure that you get the best user experience on our website. The title of the play, the name of the playwright, and any pertinent historical information regarding them (other similar works from this period? For the question ‘who participated’ you can tell the name of some famous theatrical performers or can make a general statement that you do not know their names but you know that they are highly acclaimed performers. The purpose of TV Worth Watching is to ferret out and celebrate what's good about TV. The tragic end of their lives and the eternal victory of love described in Shakespeare's gorgeous language makes it a worth watching theatrical performance. You should say: what the play/performance was about where it took place how the acting and the quality of the production was … Students attended a live musical theatre performance and responded to several re ective prompts. 1. Learn more about our Cookie Policy & Privacy Policy. how the acting and the quality of the production was. Victor Buono was born on February 3, 1938, in California to Victor Francis Buono and Myrtle Belle. 13 Quibi Shows Worth Watching on Roku. Describe an event when you enjoyed a public function. The time when we heard that a team is coming from London to perform Romeo and Juliet, we planned to watch it. Or we work in organizations that either have headquarters in another country or in organizations that are connected to other countries for internal or external reasons. Culture is everywhere! Tech Streaming. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. On the other side, the traffic congestion also makes the journeys boring and dull. Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 268 with Model Answer: Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance. To give a thorough description of the topic in the due time, try to tell the story in 45 seconds and then make some comments from a critic’s point of view. Its vibrant multi-cultural society, fashion, food and nightlife would fascinate any girl like me, especially when she studies arts and music. Describe a theatrical performance you enjoyed with your friends. Since the audience must see and hear a performance to enjoy it, stage … We travel abroad to work. According to IMDb, his grandmother taught him how to sing and recite in front of the company. … [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. Over the years the stand out experiences for me were the productions of Peter Brook, Complicite, Bell's Pericles. My experience watching a live theatre performance on stage was a fascinating one, most especially since it was my first time. The thesis of your review, which should include (possibly in more than a single statement) the following: 3.1… The professional and astounding acting, captivating dialogues, intense romantic tale, wrenching separation and the tragic twist of the tale make the play unforgettable and timeless. 3. Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance Ielts cue cards. 25 talking about this. Describe a public event or performance that you enjoyed very much. The name of the director, the place and date of the production you attended, and the name of the production company (again, do you know of any previous work by this company? It’s a sad fact that today we typically study Shakespeare's plays out of books and forego the live experience. It’s important to remember that the Bard was not writing for today’s literary readership, but for a live audience. This cue card wants the candidate to describe such an enjoyable theatre performance and here are some additional hints for them to develop a smooth answer. This will allow me to locate the necessary and sufficient conditions of theatrical performance. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. The professional and astounding acting, captivating dialogues, intense romantic tale, wrenching separation and the tragic twist of tale make the play unforgettable and timeless. IELTS FEVER 11/01/2020 ACADEMIC WRITING TASK 2 1 Comment. 3. What makes a great theatrical performance? By the way, this novel is considered to be one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century which analyzes the French society of his time, by reasoning about good and evil, about law, politics, ethics, justice, and the religion. This requires all those taking part to engage in discussions, feedback, rehearsing, and the performance. ... which is part documentary, part performance, and a behind-the-scenes look at Velour’s theatrical performance, Nightgowns. I'd be fascinated to read responses. Though th. The play lasted for about 1 and a half hour and I as well as the 200 audiences of the play thoroughly enjoyed and acclaimed the play.