While I’m an optimistic person, I am also realistic about the current situation and how satisfactory or unsatisfactory it is.” 11. Storytelling is an opportunity to display confidence, charisma, and strong interpersonal skills. There are many qualities of a good mentor. Good mentors are enthusiastic people, enjoying the role they play in helping others achieve their goals. Accountable genuine adjective. While you can teach people management skills, some people naturally take on the role of a leader in group settings. truthful ... Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe honest and sincere people and behaviour from the … I need to describe him so he sounds like a very handsome man... help please? Highlight one personality trait at a time, sharing an example of a time when you demonstrated this quality. Late twenties, early thirties. A vocabulary word list (word bank) of adjectives describing people and their personal qualities. Find below more than 300 positive adjectives to describe people and add to your positive language. A good story can fail miserably to convey the message to people, if not used a correct adjective to describe … His eyes are blue, and his hair is short and messy brown. There can be both positive or negative approach to describe a person, depending upon your story. a fine person is good and honest. Eileen Williamson, MSN, RN, continues to write and act as a consultant for Nurse.com. honest, friendly and sincere. Example: “I’m a natural leader. ; Focus on the personality traits that apply to the job for which you are applying. decent adjective. Before joining the company in 1998, Eileen was employed by North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in New York (now Northwell Health System) where she held a number of leadership positions in nursing and hospital administration, including chief nurse at two of their System hospitals. behaving towards other people in an honest, fair, and nice way. While considering a mentor, look for someone who is enthusiastic, a good fit, respectful of others and a respected expert in their field. Employers often seek natural leaders for leadership and non-leadership positions because they set a good example and can boost team morale. The evening sunlight is hitting his slightly tanned skin, causing his features to stand out. Positive Adjectives to Describe People – Good Adjectives List Here is a list of positive adjectives to describe someone. Reliability simply means that you can simply be counted on to do whatever job you were supposed to do just as you had promised. 7. Self-Confidence Driven to Excellence “I am someone who has been able to not only meet my employer’s expectations, but I would describe myself as a person who has consistently exceeded those markers.” 12. In this article, we’ll share 50 positive’ words with you to describe human beings. A kind person carries a light, and that light tends to attract other “good” people too, which is why I consider it to be one of the most desirable traits. He's looking out the window. Some of the ways you could be reliable include: 1.