In this way the development of thinking, reasoning and creativity of students is not being polished. political system in pluralistic societies of the developing states, including Pakistan, has resulted from "the issues of centralization of authority, national integration, social mobilization, economic development, political participating and social 'welfare, Which have arisen simultaneously in the political … Besides, there is lack of educational opportunities for science and technology. PTI, being such big party, while preparing their economic policy for manifesto, could have read and contemplated on the future […] The current account deficit narrowed from 4.9% of GDP in 2019 to 1.1% of GDP in 2020, the narrowest since 2015, driven mainly by a 19.3% decline in the value of imports. The economy likely recovered in Q1 of this fiscal year—which began in July 2020—after GDP growth slowed significantly in FY 2020 (July 2019–June 2020) due to lockdown measures imposed at the tail end of the year. Pakistan’s economic freedom score is 51.7, making its economy the 152nd freest in the 2021 Index. Mid-Year Budget Review Report FY 2020-21 Click here for details. 3.3. A new anti-Shia campaign has been building in Pakistan, propelled by a radicalization of the mainstream like never before. The economy will register a recovery in fiscal year 2020/21 (July-June), growing by 1.7%, partly owing to support provided by the government’s stimulus efforts. November 17, 2020. Its overall score has decreased by 3.1 points, primarily because of a decline in fiscal health. This situation may promote sense of deprivation among the masses [9]. 26-02-2021 Monthly Economic Updates and Outlook February, 2021 And, these are the still Economic challenges of Pakistan 2021 as we can not get rid of them. Due to this there is cultural and political unrest in the society. The IMF expects the current account deficit to widen slightly to 2.5% in 2021 and 2022. The next tranche of the IMF programme to support Pakistan’s external account will be disbursed in March 2021. Latest Current Affairs in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2020 2021 about Pakistan. Economic Challenges of Pakistan 2021: It is a bitter truth that after 1947 Pakistan has all the time faced the enemies and antagonism from other countries. 01-03-2021 Minister for Finance & Revenue chaired the 17th meeting of the NEC on AML Click here for details. Current Affairs Pakistan 2020 is an article/essay to cover all the important Current Affairs Pakistan 2020-21 MCQs in pdf to download.. You can also get Current Affairs 2020 free in Urdu in this essay/article. Results, profiles, News, interviews and complete coverage on the political situation in Pakistan. Overview of Pakistani Politics - Election 2018 Political Leaders, Political Parties, Party Position, constituencies, National Assembly & Provincial Assemblies. Total export values also contracted by 7.5% due to weak global demand. increasing unemployment. Current situation of Pakistan economy | Economy of Pakistan and its problems There are many articles on ‘Economy of Pakistan’ which state Pakistan’s debt repayments, foreign reserves and even projected GDP growth for the country. Pakistan Economic Outlook. Current Affairs Pakistan 2020 – 2021.