To participate in the study please email Overview Since the turn of the millennium many Scottish Clans have launched surname studies. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Clan Kincaid DNA Project - Y-DNA SNP. Don W. Kincaid Kincaid DNA Surname project team ----- Original Message ----- From: Sheila Perry To: Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 1:25 PM Subject: [CLAN-KINCAID] intro - James Kincaid of Campsie Hello I have just re-started my research into my Kincaid ancestors after focussing on some of the other lines - I am a Morrison by birth and there have been … Polk-Pollock-Pogue DNA Project. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. 1792 d. 1852, Thomas Kincaid, ca1800-1875, Lewis Co., WV, Archibald Kincaid/Rachel Hicklin Augusta,VA. With a firm belief that sharing knowledge and research is fundamental to continued progress in understanding the complex Kincaid families, some of the most diligent researchers have created websites. page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) STR results for the project. John Kincaid, b.c.1804, d.c.1840, Greenbrier, WV, john kincade b.1788 Ireland d. 1856 marion co Virg, Samuel J. Kinkead,1782 Westmoreland County Pa.Wash, David Kincaid/Winifred Hobson Albermarle Co., VA, Edward Wyatt Kincaid, b. The marker number is assigned by FTDNA. DNA Project. The Clan MacKenzie DNA Project was started in 2003 by the late Alan McKenzie, who was then Cabarfeidh’s Lieutenant in Canada, and is now co-administered by Alasdair Macdonald, Alice Fairhurst, Ann Stansbarger, and Sharie Argue. Clan Kincaid DNA Project On 4 June 2001, the Kincaid Surname DNA project was started as a means of learning more about the origins of Clan Kincaid and its various lines existing today. page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) SNP results for the project. The columns display each project member's kit number, paternal ancestry THE GOALS OF THE DONNACHAIDH DNA PROJECT: determine which ancestral lines are related Dean Augusta,VA>PA>KY, George Kinkade/Eliz. On 4 June 2001, the Kincaid Surname DNA project was started by Peter A. Kincaid as a means of learning more about the origins of the Kincaid family and its various lines existing today. Kincaid Surname DNA Project. [2] The name Kincaid appears to have been of territorial origin. Y-DNA haplogroups and SNP results. George Kinkead, b.c. Nicolo Saponara, b.1865, Saponara ME, Italy. The DNA Sample needs to be from an unbroken male line. to the Official Website of the Clan Kincaid Association International. History. Clan Kincaid - Kincaid Surname DNA Project. Gallery. John W. Kincaid, b. haplogroups and all SNP results both positive (derived) and negative (ancestral). $26.00. 1742, d. 1832 Hardin Co, KY, Hugh Kincaid (c1802-1864), Kilcadden, Co. Donegal, James Kincaid Gartcows, Falkirk, Scotland. John Kinkaid b. SNP markers on the Y-Chromosome define them. Introduction. KINCAID family DNA project By Randall Kincaid March 18, 2002 at 09:10:09. 1755, d. 1819) m. Mary Mackey, Christopher Ross Kinkade b 1832 KY relocated Iowa, John Kinkade/Sarah Wilson of Harrison Co., KY, Chichester (Chinn) Kincaid, b.1812 and d.1881 (KY), John Kincaid, 1795 - 1891, b. Washington, PA, d. B, Isaiah Kincaid/Rachel Gilliland VA>Jackson, OH, John Kincaid/Eliz. Our Chief. Thomas Kincaid & Polly Davis of Greenbrier Co., WV, Thomas Kincaid/Martha Wyatt of Campbell Co., TN, John Kinkead b. As of 2019, our Chief, Dr Simon Peter Carruthers of Holmains was confirmed… of human populations from the earliest times to the present. As a Clan, our priority has to date been to support a Chief being confirmed by the Lord Lyon. Wee Shopper. who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. Kincaid Surname at FamilyTreeDNA (Source: Family Tree DNA) ($) ... Clan Kincaid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... Clan Kincaid - … Chart. Our direct paternal ancestors have passed on their Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) generation after generation. Links. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. Organisation. KINCAID DNA CHART Download or view the most recent Kincaid DNA Chart here. All lines began with our common paternal ancestry in Africa. Please print, complete and send in our Order Form to purchase any of the items. Please print, complete and send in our Order Form to purchase any of the items. classic format. Just better. 1765. History Origins of the clan. James Badcocke, b. The goal of the project was to attempt to get DNA samples of several Campbell reference lineages and to look at opportunities to link current genealogy research to these lines. Each Group represents a given family genetically related within the group but unrelated to the Kincaid … The allele name is common across DNA testing laboratories. Male Kincaid participants are required as the Y Chromosome portion is not transferred to daughters. Jordan Cumberland,PA>SC>TN, William Kinkeade/Sarah Smith of Gasconade Co., MO, Alexander Kinket/Johanna Vogels Dordreicht, NETH, James Kincaid, b.17 Apr 1739, Bannockburn, Sctlnd, James Kincaid, b. Apr 17, 1739, Scotland m.c. 1787, County Tyrone, North, George Kincaid/Eliz. Join Project. Clan Kincaid DNA Project - mtDNA Member Distribution Map. Denis McDaniel (MacDonnell) b.1730 or 1733. This project is for direct-line male Kincaids. Clan Kincaid DNA Project - Y-DNA Member Distribution Map. Library. confirmed by SNP testing. The Campbell DNA Project was launched in October of 2002 with the purpose of trying to help genealogy researchers break through brick walls. Research Links. Kincaid DNA Project Reveals Family Intrigue Don Kincaid, a Texan seeking to establish his ancestry and reconnect with distant relatives, encouraged more than 140 people with variations of the surname Kincaid to take DNA tests and submit their results online. Learn more about this page. 1870 and d. 1944, Ephraim Lyles, d. c. 1762 Fairfield Co, SC, John Kincaid 1740 Tyrone Ireland died 1823 York SC, William Jackson Kingcade, b. history, antiquity, and ancient anthropology to reach our early hominid ancestors Contact Us. In the Clan Kincaid DNA Project, 140 people with the surname Kincaid (or variations thereof) have taken DNA test to find their ancestors and trace their family tree. This is done mainly using male Y chromosome STR testing. We focus on YDNA testing, because YDNA is passed on unchanged and uncombined from fathers to their sons. This One man’s quest to complete his family tree has unearthed long-kept secrets for some members of the Kincaid clan. The Y-DNA is passed only from father to son. For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. Contact Us. Participation from confirmed and probable descendants of each of the Barclay houses of Kilbirnie-Ladyland, Collairnie-Perceton, Mathers-Ury, Towie-Barclay, and the Russian Barclays de Tollie is especially sought by the Project for the certainty they provide. It shows Y-DNA Clan Kincaid DNA Project - Y-DNA Colorized Chart. Links to these and other sites valuable to Kincaid research as well as a link to join the Rootsweb Kincaid surname list and explore its archives can be found here. 1828 and d. 1907, WILLIAM KINCADE b.1785 d.1849 Cummberland Co. PA, Alexander Kinkaid/Jane Scott of IRE>PA>OH, Alexander Kinkaid, b.c. Emigrants who don’t know their Irish family history can contribute to the initiative by taking a Family Tree DNA “Big Y” test, and by contributing to the family testing fund. According to the project's settings, it may also display the earliest known ancestor of each project member. With more DNA testing, we can provide a family tree for the entire Treinfhir clan. DNA Project The concept of a genetics study for Clan MacLeod was first proposed to the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies (ACMS) in 1974 as a chromosomal analysis, definitive DNA analysis not being readily available at that time. Joseph Kinkead 1724-1782, Killinchy, Co. Down, John Kincaid/Alice Dean Jacksonborn 1835died 1875, James Gillespie Kincaid/Mary Tritt of Fayette, WV, JAMES GILLESPIE KINCAID, Sr. b. The branches on the Wee Shopper. The major branch points on our shared paternal lineage trace back through genealogy, How many markers should I order? You may learn more about To that end, we invite Barclay men join the Clan Barclay International Y-DNA Project and to share your identified ancestry. One explanation is that it comes from ceanncadha that is Scottish Gaelic for the steep place or pass. Follow this link to join the Kincaid DNA Project. Research Links. ... DNA Project . Home. and confirmed haplogroups are in green. It uses the paternal lineages. Virt Donegal,Druholm, IRE, John Kincaid/Catherin Coulter Donegal,IRE>Ontario, John Kincaid/Catherine Coulter of Donegal, IRE, John Kincaid, 1759-1835, Co. Donegal, IRE, George Kinkade/Eliz. and actual STR marker results. [2] Origins of the clan. Greetings and Welcome. Genealogy. 1831 and d. 1875, Isaac Jackson b.1794England d.1854 Wiliams Co Ohio, Gerhard Frenckinck, 1625, Vardingholt, Germany, Kinkaide and Raynor, NY - Ireland and England, James Badcocke, b. Clan Kincaid. Home. Y-DNA STRs on the Understanding Y-DNA STRs learning page. Y Chromosome DNA test for those males with the surname Kincaid (aka Kincaide, Kincade, Kinkaid, Kinkaide, Kinkade, Kinkead, Kingcade, etc). That's it. Identical and closely-matched results of Y-DNA tests are identified as "haplogroups", and the largest M’millan haplogroup - which includes Chief George MacMillan - currently has over 85 members. ROWS Participants have been organized into Groups and Sets based on DNA results. Haplogroups in red are predicted. The name Kincaid appears to have been of territorial origin. The major branch points on our shared paternal lineage trace back through genealogy, history, antiquity, and ancient anthropology to reach our early hominid ancestors who lived in Africa. Events. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men Robert Kincaid, b 1858, Londonderry, N. Ireland. With the permission of the project coordinator, I'm posting information about the DNA project of the KINCAID-L mailing list and the research group of the Clan Kincaid. The name appears to have territorial origins, reportedly from the area of the same name in Stirlingshire. The Polk-Pollock-Pogue (PPP) DNA Project is open to all persons claiming Polk-Pollock-Pogue, etc, ancestry through blood or marriage who are interested in discovering or clarifying their PPP family genealogy through DNA testing and sharing of results. Main Menu. Predicted haplogroups are in red, A plus, +, sign denotes positive results. Join Project. old or several thousand years. * denotes a no call or heterozygous call. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My mother was a Kincaid, can I do the Y-DNA test? Find Kincaid trees, crests, genealogies, biographies, DNA projects, and much more at the largest directory to free and pay genealogical sources. The chiefs of Clan Kincaid are said to be descended from several families including the ancient Earls of Lennox, the Galbraiths of Buthernock, the Grahames and also the Comyn Lords of Badenoch. Membership. Lineages. The Clan Macnab DNA Project was founded in late 2016. This page displays project members' The chiefs of Clan Kincaid are said to be descended from several families including the ancient Earls of Lennox, the Galbraiths of Buthernock, the Grahames and also the Comyn Lords of Badenoch. 1770 d aft 1850 Sinking Valley PA, James Woodburn Kinkaid (caid/kead), b 1811 PA, Samuel Kinkead/Johanna Walch Limerick, IRE, David Kincaid (1798-1886), Co. Londonderry, NI, David Kincade 1798 Londonderry to 1886 Queens Co.N, George Kincade (c1807-1874), Queens Co., NB, CA, George Kincade, b.about 1807,County Tyrone, Irelan, William Kincade b 1795 County Tyrone, Ireland d 18, Andrew Kincaid, b. Tennesse, d. 1846 Cole Co, MO, William Kinkaid, b c.1840 Belfast, Ireland, David Kincade, b.1800 Wilson Co TN d. aft 1860 KY, Andrew Kincaid b. c1745-1760, Ireland>PA>KY>IL, Thomas D. Kingcade (Kincade), b. Thus, they are an established way to trace the migrations Recent (terminal) branches may be as recent as ten generations Heraldry. This For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define <1739 d. 1820 Woodford Co KY, William Kinkead/Eleanor Gay of Augusta, VA, Francis M Kincade/Isabella Markel Defiance,OH>IN, Rev. One explanation is that it comes from ceann-cadha that is Scottish Gaelic for the steep place or pass. James Kincaid b.1800 d 1853 Tullywhisker, Strabane, Ephraim Lyles, d. c. 1762 Fairfield Co, SC, Alexander Kinket/Johanna Vogels Dordreicht, NETH, William Kinkeade/Sarah Smith of Gasconade Co., MO, James Albert Kincaid, b. here. All lines began with our common maternal ancestor in Africa. 1827, Franklin Parish, LA. Clan Kincaid DNA Project - Y-DNA Classic Chart. Dean Augusta,VA>PA>KY>IL, Robert L. Kincaid/Susannah Huff VA>OH>Muscatine,IA, Thomas Kincaid (b. The chiefs of Clan Kincaid are said to be descended from several families including the ancient Earls of Lennox, the Galbraiths of Buthernock, the Grahames and also the Comyn Lords of Badenoch. A warm welcome to the Clan Carruthers Y-DNA Project. Constitution. No. 1870 and d. 1944, BY84126+, CTS10149+, CTS1421+, CTS2466+, CTS2913+, CTS3229+, CTS3475+, CTS3622+, CTS6532+, CTS6832+, CTS8311+, CTS8627+, CTS894+, FGC205+, FGC207+, FGC76+, FT108610+, FT108671+, FT108701+, FT108780+, FT108969+, FT108972+, FT109003+, FT109170+, FT109451+, FT199952+, FT199953+, FT199954+, L1348+, L1351+, L248+, L479+, L749+, L753+, L757+, L760+, L762+, PF5462+, PF5868+, PF6399+, PF6402+, PF6406+, PF6407+, PF6410+, PF6413+, PF6417+, PF6426+, PF6428+, PF6429+, PF6435+, PF6437+, PF6441+, PF6444+, PF6448+, PF6452+, PF6464+, PF6503+, PF6504+, PF6508+, PF6518+, PF6525+, Y103+, Y104+, Y106+, Y107+, Y418+, Y441+, Y469+, Y94+, Y95+, Y96+, Y97+, Z8140+, Z8141+, Z8145+, A2594+, A2636+, A2638+, A2662+, A2663+, A2669+, A2674+, A2742+, A2743+, A2744+, A2757+, A2758+, A2779+, A2788+, A2852+, A2855+, A2859+, A2866+, A2870+, A2873+, A2883+, A2906+, A2909+, A2934+, A2943+, A2944+, A2949+, A2950+, A3047+, A3048+, A3071+, A3072+, A3074+, A3081+, A321+, A324+, A4738+, A4748+, A4763+, 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In 1296 a Kincaid clansman displayed gallant conduct in the Wars of Scottish Independence and recaptured Edinburgh Castle from the English forces. James Kincaid b.1800 d 1853 Tullywhisker, Strabane, William Jackson Kingcade b. 1612 in Essex d. 1679 in RI, Alonzo Kincade 1867-Leo 1893: FF Schrader/BW. A negative, -, sign denotes negative results. The color coding of STR marker names is explained Clan Kincaid DNA Project - mtDNA Test Results for Members The table below shows each project member's kit number and their tested mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) results. Clan Kincaid. Quite the same Wikipedia. 1831 and d. 1875, William Jackson Kingcade b:1831 TN d:1875 MO, William Jackson Kincaid/Kingcade b: 1831 d: 1875, William Jackson; Coleraine, Northern Ireland, Alexander Sinclair bc.1705 Strath-Haladale Caith, Owen Scott, b c 1614 Ireland d 1664 Northampton VA, James Albert Kincaid, b. To install click the Add extension button. But among the cool stuff (like finding out war heroes and survivors of the Irish potato famine as their ancestors), they've also opened the Pandora box of lies and secrets: information according to project settings, the paternal tree branch (haplogroup), 1612 in Essex d. 1679 in RI. Our direct maternal ancestors have passed on their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) generation after generation. In the haplogroups column, haplogroups in green are You may learn more about Y-Chromosome SNPs on the Understanding Y-DNA SNP Results learning page. Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project The Donnachaidh DNA Project is all about family……. family history and genealogical research, the corresponding and sharing of information, and the joy of sharing our common family bonds. Robert Kincaid, b 1858, Londonderry, N. Ireland.