The authors declared no conflict of interests. It was reported by [6], that Escherichia genus was domainant in toilets with on wider society. Para evaluar la relación entre las concentraciones de esporas de hongos y de partículas vehiculados por aire, el recuento de partículas se añadió al estudio microbiológico del aire de varias salas de un hospital. It is important to understand the microbial community within public areas and, in particular, within school buildings as poor health in children impacts Stud 16: 623-632. The same shear forces occur at the air-liquid interface in liquid impinger-type air-samplers that are used in some studies. Distribution considered statistically significant. Therefore, this study aimed to measure and compare the benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) concentrations in the air of different ORs in hospitals of Sabzevar, Iran. Though most of the microbial isolates were potential and or opportunistic pathogens, there was no correlation between the isolates in this study and the surveillance report of nosocomial infection during the period of study, hence the contribution of the indoor air cannot be established. Furthermore, microbiological survey data should be used to clearly define specific air quality … Basidiomycetes and an uncommon genus Acrodontium were also found frequently due to analysis methods developed for this project. Jyotshna M, Helmut B (2011) Bioaerosols in Indoor Environment - A Review with Special Reference to Residential and Occupational Locations. This study was aimed to assess the microbiological quality of indoor air inside Mohammad Al-Mana Mon J 4: 83-96. The new chapter deals with microbiological contamination risk control for nonsterile product manufacturing. This assessment … The cancer risks of exposure to benzene in all ORs were higher than the acceptable range recommended by Unite State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 1 × 106). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS All rights reserved. (23.47% morning; 23.6% night) and Chrysonilia spp. The correlations observed suggest reduced susceptibility to antifungal drugs of some fungal species found in sleeping environments. We would like to thank our (ed.). examination were used to identification of bacteria according to the Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology [1,6]. 4.1.1 This section presents an assessment of air quality impacts associated with the construction … The information on the indoor microbial concentrations of airborne bacteria is necessary both to estimate the health hazard and to create standards for indoor air-quality … Statics shows that there Furthermore, a new rearrangement of resistance region R1, harboring the blaTEM-1 gene flanked by IS26 elements, was identified in Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella 4,[5],12:i:-, from different samples. Vigorous bubbling in such samplers has been shown to damage viruses. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) present a global public health problem. Microbe which were isolated from indoor air samples include: Viable microorganisms can be found in the atmosphere almost anywhere – bacterial spores can be isolated from the jet stream several miles above the Earth’s surface – but the microbiology of the air is sometim… be due to the overloaded of some sites and human density at the time of sample collection, these results were agreed with the results reported by [9,10], and Alternaria spp as the dominant fungal isolates. Data by [5] indicate that bacteria and fungi found in Poland in university environments and include Micrococcus spp., Enterococcus spp., considered statistically significant. commercially, as long as the original source is properly cited. ESs had the highest airborne microbial concentrations, ranging from 240 to 736 CFU/m3 for total bacterial aerobic counts (Fig. Gavin journals focus into the fields of Clinical, Medical and Life Sciences. (with the aid of an Atlas of Mycology) as described by Rajesh B, et al. In December 2014 the new chapter <1115> of the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention came into effect. Similar results were reported by Udochukwuet al., [5] as Aspergillus (52.3%), was the most common genera of molds among all samples with The highest concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene and total BTEX were observed in General surgery OR. 217-221, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, Volume 2, Issue 6, 2012, pp. European Communities Commission. Low-income urban areas are of concern because of high asthma and allergy rates and housing disrepair. The aim of the study was to quantitatively investigate airborne fungal contamination levels based on field measurements in autumn and winter in four selected library rooms (compact stack, lending room, reading room, study room) in a university library building, as well as the effects of several factors on the culturability of airborne fungi. Report No. Department of Clinical Laboratory Science. Data indicated that a variations were found in the concentration of bacteria and fungi among selected samples in each selected floors and rooms. These data were agreed with the results obtained by Stryjakowska- Sekulska et al., [6] who found an elevated count in bacteria load in lecture rooms, However, none of the fungal species/strains (Aspergillus sections Fumigati, Flavi, Nidulantes and Circumdati) were amplified by qPCR in the analyzed EDC. controlled by several factors; rate of populations or visitors in the place, air exchange, temperature, relative humidity, type of ventilation, and number We evaluated the concentrations of indoor airborne fungi quantitated over the course of one year in a hematology ward in Japan. of microbial load in indoor air in the selected floors at MACHS at 2:00-4:00 pm. significant. The microbiological quality of the air in operating theatres is a significant parameter to control healthcare associated infections, and regular microbial monitoring can represent an useful tool … In conjunction with our Air Quality Division, guidelines suggested by the Indoor Air Quality … Regular monitoring of the microbial burden is necessary to ascertain the microbiological quality … There was a partial overlap between the concentrations of particles of samplings which were positive or negative for fungi. 3) in three different hospital services and to assess a potential seasonality effect and contamination from outside sources. J Earth Environ Sci 4: 184. Microbiological monitoring is a useful tool for assessment of the contamination of operating theatres in order to improve air quality. Primarily an overall contamination can occurs in the hospital environment, due to the poor quality of Indoor air … of windows in each room [7]. Indoor/outdoor airborne fungal concentration ratios were below 1.0 for all four rooms during autumn and winter, showing that outdoor fungi are the main source of indoor fungi. Air quality has become one of the greatest environmental issues of modern times, following improved access to fresh water in many parts of the world. affected the microbiological load in all samples was the overloaded, college in general used to be overloaded after 11 am especial in the basement floor where The concentration of indoor bacterial aerosol observed in this study which was lower than the standard. spreading pathogenic bacteria or fungi. 564-569, Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, Volume 31, Issue 4, 2013, pp. Samples were also obtained from a protective environment in the same ward and were evaluated. Internal quality … Kalwasińska A, Burkowska A, Wilk I (2012) Microbial air contamination in indoor environment of the university library. Dermatophytes posses the ability to utilize keratin from human and animal tissues, or debris from dead animal sources found in soil, such as feathers, skin or nails. indicated that microbial contamination usually occur in universities and especially in class room, laboratories and offices, which are significant difference between the classroom, offices, and labs, but toilets were the highest in each floor (P>0.05) (Figures 1-4). To evaluate the microbial load indoor airs, is one of the most important parameter of the environmental factors quality, it has become necessary and show These results suggest a seasonal variation in indoor airborne fungal concentrations in Japan, which could affect the epidemiology of IFD. Air samples were assessed …