%PDF-1.5 %���� Retroactive Payment Date For services performed in commercials made between April 1, 2009 and June 15, 2009, all retroactive payments must be made not later than June 16, 2009 . %PDF-1.6 %���� and for the period permitted in the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract, for which Producer shall pay Performer not less than the additional compensation therein provided. Email: employercontributions@sagaftraplans.org . h�bbd```b``z "���2�?&�lFM��&'�ŧ���`�)�� f���3�Ie�"#Z@d�6�dL�5@��~&�K��D��H$�30��` �K Bold new contracts with new & innovative upfront use packages for an evolving industry. %%EOF h�b```f``������s�A�X��,���Ya+�u5J l@,,L�����J���01�3q1Nd���h����(���T����W5;�1b+���^6K0ͺ Hq00�C�� %� ARBITRATION All disputes and controversies of every kind and nature arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be subject to arbitration as provided in Section 64 of the SAG-AFTRA Audio Recorded Commercial Contract. SAG-AFTRA Members Ratify 2019 Commercials Contracts. hޤUmK1�+�^d�L&���*J�Ek)X��z[]�{r� ��>��v�U+%d�&�y{��0k�3�%���X�E�b\ԏc�$�5.Aj}��l���t�������_ڋ���Y��/.�f���wäF����a��Χ�~�h�&�0����n���l���c|ls���rE�U����G�?���0��w��|�t����L�����tfb(v��{ ���O���8�䖸E�`k2^�z&�!,&� To: Contribution Management Department. The undersigned certifies that the foregoing information is true. Term (Section 2) Q: The notice that was sent out by the Union said that the 2009 CBA was extended through April 7. Lead Faculty: Dr Solène Rowan, Dr Andrew Summers, Dr Nick Sage, Professor Michael Lobban, Dr Joseph Spooner, and Dr Paul MacMahon (Dept. If there were an audience award for labor contracts, the new SAG-AFTRA commercials contracts would easily take the laurels. Television Commercials Contracts) for commercials which are integrated on or after April 1, 2013, under the provisions of Section 25, Integrating of Commercials Into Different Commercials, and to all versions which are edited after April 1, 2013, other than as expressly permitted under Section 26, Editing of Commercials. of Law) Pre-requisites: Introduction to legal methods or equivalent. All Events; COVID-19 Updates. ��u"��x$��PVB����L@ZC&�ٛ`�a�{��T�}1�1����#����R�u&S. Term Three years from April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2012. ����U��Wp�y����f٥ �+C��:�h.�����7�����%���w��0`}�����8Lpß8~��?�Csep׸Isw$Ś���"�dQ�Yfs������N$���^�?��Ow1,��Z�k�/ �Ӭ Join SAG-AFTRA's Commercials Department for a Commercials 101. SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract are involved with non-covered services. 2. All News; Do Not Work Notices; Global Rule One; Press Releases; SAG-AFTRA President’s Update; Events. SAG/AFTRA TV COMMERCIALS CONTRACT and AFTRA RADIO COMMERCIALS CONTRACT. This allocation also applies where no commercials covered under the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract are produced or used in a given period but the Producer has a right to do so and to hold the performer to exclusivity. 3. The SAG Commercials Contract provides that when non-covered services are involved and there is a dispute over the portion of the compensation allocable to SAG-covered services, the principal performer’s “customary salary” shall be given substantial consi deration in resolving such dispute. 126 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0ED63EE4A7C9D646B01D9D492CA668DB>]/Index[104 34]/Info 103 0 R/Length 106/Prev 143917/Root 105 0 R/Size 138/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 2019 SAG-AFTRA COMMERCIALS CONTRACT 1. ARBITRATION All disputes and controversies of every kind and nature arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be subject to arbitration as provided in Section 58 of the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract. 5. endstream endobj 105 0 obj <. Effective Date and Term a. If producer is a signatory to the SAG-AFTRA Guild: ... Name and likeness for merchandising or commercial tie -ins • Non-photographic likeness approvals • Notice of press on set • Material changes to the role from the script actor read • Appearance of the role, i.e. News & Events. 0 This engagement shall be governed by and be subject to the applicable terms of the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract. Address: 3601 West Olive Avenue, #200, Burbank, CA 91505 . 137 0 obj <>stream A role owned or created by Producer belongs to Producer and not to Performer. A: The 2013 CBA is effective April 1, 2013. (Various Sections) Q: Hired talent under 2009 CBA but did not use him/her for a commercial. As a reminder, the 2016 SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract and Audio Commercials Contract (the “Contracts”) will expire on March 31, 2019. Exhibit I-SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract ALLOCATION GUIDELINES. 104 0 obj <> endobj �P���VP�@�� �G`8�#)�0���O�i�8�o���2d�l�n��w7w{o����)�*Y^�Co����ֽ�ź�R���Piw�7�! SUMMARY OF NEW PROVISIONS 2016 SAG-AFTRA COMMERCIALS CONTRACT 1. Fax: (818) 953-2523 . COMMERCIALS CONTRACT 137231_SAG_Cover.p1.pdf 17-11-13 15:25:07 by Lloyd BlackPANTONE Blue 0821 C. SCREEN ACTORS GUILD-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TELEVISION AND RADIO ARTISTS, INC. 2016 COMMERCIALS CONTRACT CONTRACT made by and between SCREEN ACTORS GUILD-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TELEVISION AND RADIO ARTISTS, INC., a California non … The industry remains optimistic that we will have a successful conclusion to these negotiations without disruption. 10 & 15 Second Commercials Uses 5&6, 10&11, ea $57.10 $44.80 $49.30 $44.40 $36.35 $30.88 $26.95 $22.08 Uses 15,16,& ea 4th&5th adtl $27.38 $20.35 $17.03 $14.48 $11.75 $12.33 $11.58 $9.60 Program Class B with NY $1,187.75 $849.45 $756.45 $668.90 $546.85 $278.75 $232.35 $189.90 w/o NY $968.75 $672.85 $756.45 $668.90 $546.85 $278.75 $232.35 $189.90 Program Class C $577.30 $384.90 … 2. the services of union performers in commercials (i.e., the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract and the Audio Commercials Contract, collectively, the “Contracts”) will expire on March 31, 2019. contract provides for compensation above the AFTRA minimum, additions may be agreed to between Producer and Performer which do not conflict with the provisions of the SAG-AFTRA Audio Recorded Commercials Contract, provided that such additional provisions are separately set forth under “Special Provisions” hereof and signed by the Performer. Equity & Inclusion; Young Performers; Residuals Portal. READ MORE. U-1. h��Qk�0ǿ�}�%��&)�n�0��MDD�6#m��wm� ce� V��q�����J� !��F" =B This document is collectively bargained and cannot be modified without the consent of the Union. c. The new working conditions and all other non-economic … period permitted in the SAG-AFTRA Audio Commercials Contract, for which Producer shall pay Performer not less than the additional compensation therein provided. Contract shall be subject to arbitration as provided in Section 58 of the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract. Required Details . The GAINS negotiated for the new SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contracts will … News & Events. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the performer s principal source of income in the … 4. The 2016 Commercials Contracts •The JPC and SAG-AFTRA concluded negotiations at 3:05am April 3, 2016 •The new Contracts were effective April 1, 2016 •The Union Board approved the Contracts during the April meeting •The Contracts were ratified by Union membership May 9, 2016 B. For services performed in commercials made between April 1, 2016 and the date of ratification, all retroactive payments must be made not later than 30 days following ratification by the Union. Company: SAG-AFTRA Health Plan . Can you confirm that the 2013 CBA is effective April 1? groups or to performers employed in Seasonal Commercials under Section 41 of the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract. employed in Seasonal Commercials under Section 41 of the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract. Fillable Document. SAG TV and AFTRA TV Commercials Contracts and Section 67 of the AFTRA Radio Commercials Contract have specific language for a signatory to follow in the event of sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition by Producer of any commercials produced under the commercials contracts. 3. ON 2013 SAG-AFTRA COMMERCIALS CONTRACTS 1. Employer or Representative of Employer Pink Copy – Employer Yellow Copy – Member(s) White Copy – Mail to SAG-AFTRA 186. Negotiations for successor contracts are expected to begin in February. endstream endobj startxref the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract and the Radio Recorded Commercials Contract (collectively, the “Contract”) decides to withdraw authorization from the Joint Policy Committee on Broadcast Talent Union Relations (“JPC”) for collective bargaining and no longer continue its signatory relationship with SAG-AFTRA. Commercials Contract Multiple Service Contract (MSC) Cover Sheet . 2. The contracts are landmark agreements for a new era, introducing innovative and flexible alternative compensation … This memorandum also discusses the obligations the withdrawing signatory has The 2019 bargained Principal Performer employment contract for Upfront commercials under the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract. Fillable Document. Pension + Health Contributions The new P+H contribution rate is 15.5% for commercials … Informational / Guide PDF. Amend paragraph G as follows: "Where contracts under paragraph A. Three years commencing April 1, 2016. b. U-2 endstream endobj 132 0 obj <>stream Three years commencing April 1, 2019; b. STANDARD SAG-AFTRA EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT EXTRAS IN COMMERCIALS (EXHIBIT A-2) Producer to Complete Date Job# Please return to Extreme Reach Talent, Inc., 111 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1525, Chicago, IL 60604, (312) 726-4404, is the Employer of Record solely for the purpose of taxes, workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance. The industry is represented in these negotiations by The Joint Policy Committee (the “JPC”). PRODUCER'S RIGHTS Performer acknowledges that Performer has no right, title or interest of any kind or nature whatsoever in or to the commercial(s). What Rates? The vote was 96.85 percent in favor. If this contract provides for compensation above the SAG-AFTRA minimum, additions may be agreed to between Producer and Performer which do not conflict with the provisions of the SAG-AFTRA Radio Recorded Commercials Contract, provided that such additional provisions are separately set forth under "Special Provisions" hereof and signed by the SAG (Screen Actor’s Guild) and AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Arts) were formed during the Great Depression.Once separate entities, now a combined force ensuring fair wages for actors across multiple mediums including film, television, commercials, and radio broadcasting. The Complete Guide to SAG-AFTRA Paid Scale. 2019 SAG-AFTRA COMMERCIALS CONTRACT SUMMARY OF AGREEMENT This document summarizes the key changes made to the Commercials Contract (“Commercials Contract” or the “CBA”) for the new 3-year term, April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2022, and is provided for general information only. Taft-Hartley Report - Commercials. Effective Date and Term a. (Guideline A) hereof include services covered by both the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contracts and the SAG-AFTRA Radio Commercials Contract, allocations for covered services may be split 80% to services covered by the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract and 20% to … However, the language does not address what possible legal consequences a signatory may have after a … Course Aims: The course provides an introduction to English commercial law as a whole, combined with in-depth coverage of some specific aspects. 131 0 obj <>stream }�'?��������iS��M�=�r�""2+�:�B��:�5��E�K��̭_��i�*{�K Diversity . SAG-AFTRA Videos; SAG-AFTRA Magazine; SAG-AFTRA Podcast; SAG-AFTRA en Español Podcast; SAG-AFTRA Working For You! 4. in the SAG-AFTRA Audio Recorded Commercials Contract, for which Producer shall pay Performer not less than the additional compensation therein provided. LOS ANGELES (May 8, 2019) – Members of SAG-AFTRA today overwhelmingly voted to ratify the 2019 SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contract and the 2019 SAG-AFTRA Audio Commercials Contract. ARBITRATION All disputes and controversies of every kind and nature arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be subject to arbitration as provided in Section 64 of the SAG-AFTRA Audio Commercials Contract. Phone: (818) 973-4472 . News.