One of the public holidays designated in Schedule 1 of the Act is Workers’ Day which occurs on 1 May of each year. ¹ Anzac Day is commemorated on the day it falls. Also, riders are now required to get on and off the bus using the rear door only, unless a rider needs to use the front-door wheelchair ramp or have the bus lowered to ease boarding. ³ As Boxing Day falls on a Sunday, an additional public holiday is given on the following Tuesday. However, Lunar New Year always remains on the date that it occurs. The consequence of this contention was that workers who would ordinarily have worked on Sunday, 1 May 2005 were not obliged to do so but were … However, private employers are not required to provide paid holidays to employees. For industrial purposes, the Sunday provisions contained in an Award or Enterprise Agreement will generally prevail over the public holiday provisions unless stated otherwise (eg some Awards and Agreements contain special provisions for when Christmas Day falls on a weekend). Public Holidays by Country. dateObj.setUTCMinutes(dateObj.getUTCMinutes() - 0); Subsequently, a dispute arose between the parties regarding the very same issue on 25 December 2005 and 1 January 2006, as both these public holidays fell on a Sunday. var day_strings = {"2021-03-08":"Today – 8 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-09":"Today – 9 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-10":"Today – 10 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-11":"Today – 11 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-12":"Today – 12 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-13":"Today – 13 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-14":"Today – 14 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-15":"Today – 15 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-16":"Today – 16 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-17":"Today – 17 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-18":"Today – 18 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-19":"Today – 19 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-20":"Today – 20 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-21":"Today – 21 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-22":"Today – 22 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-23":"Today – 23 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-24":"Today – 24 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-25":"Today – 25 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-26":"Today – 26 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-27":"Today – 27 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-28":"Today – 28 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-29":"Today – 29 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-30":"Today – 30 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-03-31":"Today – 31 March 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-01":"Today – 1 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-02":"Today – 2 April 2021 – is a holiday in North Carolina for Good Friday.<\/span>","2021-04-03":"Today – 3 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-04":"Today – 4 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-05":"Today – 5 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-06":"Today – 6 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-07":"Today – 7 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-08":"Today – 8 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>","2021-04-09":"Today – 9 April 2021 – is not a holiday in North Carolina.<\/span>"}; var todayDay = dateObj.getDate(); If the employee works on the Sunday, or on the Monday, or on both days then the employee will be entitled to at least double her normal rate for both those days. When Workers’ Day fell on a Sunday in 2005, the union contended that Sunday, 1 May 2005 was a public holiday. André Claassen Whenever a public holiday comes around, where the public holiday happens to be on a Sunday, and of course the Monday is then automatically a public holiday, I get inundated with e-mails from employers asking if they must pay for 2 public holidays or 1 public holiday. In Asheville, a city in Buncombe County, North Carolina, the sale of packaged liquor is prohibited on Sunday.Packaged liquor may be sold between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. dateObj.setUTCHours(dateObj.getUTCHours() - 5); The employer entered into a “continuous operation agreement” (“the Agreement) with the union (the respondent) in terms of which production work operates continuously at certain shafts for seven days a week on all days of the year excluding public holidays. The employer approached the Labour Court for a declaratory order. If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, then a replacement is given the next day, on Monday. As per the law, a public holiday that falls on a Sunday would result in an additional public holiday on the immediate weekday following it. However, there are exceptions; for example, as Lunar New Year 2007 falls on a Sunday (18 February), the government have designated the Saturday directly before (17 February) as a public holiday. In North Carolina, state employees are provided a maximum of 11 paid holidays. Where public holidays are attached to specific dates, rather than days like the Queen’s birthday which is always on a Monday, there can be confusion about the correct way to observe the public holiday, especially when it comes to determining things like public holiday pay with public holidays on a Saturday or Sunday. If you work on a public holiday. Although the Act does not, either expressly or impliedly, state that where a public holiday falls on a Sunday, that both the Sunday and the following Monday shall be public holidays, the court was of the view that the ordinary, literal, grammatical meaning favoured the contention of the union. New Zealand Government | Te Kawanatanga o Aotearoa. However this was not the position in this case, as in terms of the Agreement the parties agreed that Sundays are to be treated as normal working days. In addition to the public holidays listed under each country, many countries also celebrate New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, Christmas, and Boxing Day or St. Stephen’s Day on the day after Christmas. In this case the employer (the appellant), a mining company, conducted operations at four gold mining shafts. Your employer doesn’t have to give you paid leave on bank or public holidays . 1 January: New Year’s Day21 March: Human Rights Day10 April: Good Friday13 April: Family Day27 April: Freedom Day1 May: Workers' Day16 June: Youth Day9 August: National Women’s Day10 August: Public holiday24 September: Heritage Day16 December: Day of Reconciliation25 December: Christmas Day26 December: Day of Goodwill* The dates on which Good Friday and Easter Sunday fall are determined according to the ecclesiastical moon. The court was of the view that when drafting the aforementioned sections of the Act the intentions of the legislature were to set aside days for commemoration and/or celebration by reason of their historical, social or religious significance; to ensure that employees do not lose remuneration thereby; to ensure that the majority of South Africans do not lose the additional benefits of a public holiday by reason of the accident of its holiday falling on a Sunday and to allow a measure of flexibility for employers and employees to enter into agreements varying the recognition of particular public holidays provided that the employees enjoyed at least twelve public holidays per calendar year as provided for in the Act. In Johor and Kedah, a public holiday that falls on Friday is replaced by Sunday or the next working day, while in Kelantan and Terengganu, a public holiday that falls on Saturday is replaced by Sunday or the next … If you are not covered by the Employment Act, it will be according to the terms of your employment contract. In addition, the union further contended that workers were entitled to be paid for the following Monday as well, without having to work. Most holidays that occur on a Sunday are moved to the following Monday for celebration. In the bible, it is the day when Mary Magdalene found that an empty tomb in the cave in which Jesus had been placed. In 2005, Workers’ Day fell on a Sunday. Public holidays may commemorate a special day or other event, for example, Saint Patrick's Day (17 March) or Christmas Day (25 December). var todayMonth = dateObj.getMonth() + 1; In determining the issue the court looked at the wording of various provisions of the Act and held that the legislature intended that the number of paid public holidays is not limited to twelve, and where a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is an additional public holiday. The Agreement provided further that Sundays are treated as normal working days but public holidays are not. Casual Sunday rates for retail will also be reduced from 200% to 175%. Public holiday falls on a Sunday and: the employee wouldn’t normally work on the Sunday, then they will get their holiday entitlements on either the following Monday (in the case of Waitangi Day and Anzac Day), or the following Tuesday (in the case of Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Boxing Day and the day after New Year’s Day). On a public holiday, sometimes called a bank holiday, most businesses and schools close. The court noted that it was clear that the parties had not considered what would happen, in terms of the Agreement, when a public holiday fell on a Sunday. Public Holidays - W here the public holiday happens to be on a Sunday. In addition, the Act provides that whenever a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is deemed to be a public holiday. if(todayMonth < 10) todayMonth = "0" + todayMonth; document.write(day_strings[todayDate]); If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following business day is acknowledged as the holiday. The Sunday is still deemed to be a public holiday in these instances by virtue of all Sundays being prescribed as a public holiday. if(todayDay < 10) todayDay = "0" + todayDay; var todayDate = dateObj.getFullYear() + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDay; Public holidays Our National Public Holidays are New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Despite the fact that the law does not require it, many employers throughout North Carolina offer at least six paid holidays to their employees as a benefit. The case turned on the issue of whether the legislature intended that the number of paid public holidays be limited to twelve and no more (this favours the employer), or whether there should be at least twelve public holidays in a calendar year (this favours the union). The Parliament has established that all national holidays are days off from work. Further, employers should ensure that their collective agreements and shift policies cater for these situations. If operations are conducted on a Sunday, but not on a public holiday, a dispute may arise in the event that a public holiday falls on the Sunday, as to whether employees are entitled to be paid for the public holiday on both the Sunday and the Monday. By Eva Mudely Public Holiday: Nov 18: Thursday: National Day: Public Holiday: Dec 21: Tuesday: December Solstice: Season: No holidays shown? A public holiday falling on a Sunday does not cease to be a public holiday. Workers enjoy a 5-day break (combined with Commemoration Day holiday), returning to work on Sunday December 6 2020. Not a public holiday: Monday: May 31: Memorial Day: Federal Holiday: Last Monday in May: Sunday: Jun 20: Father's Day: Not A Public Holiday: 3rd Sunday in June. if(typeof day_strings[todayDate] != "undefined") { In addition, on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even years, the state celebrates Election Day and many offices are closed. If a holiday falls on the weekend check the Employment NZ website or with the council for actual and observed holiday dates. If Christmas falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, the governor may authorize a 12th paid holiday. Sunday: Hari Raya Puasa 24 May 2020, Sunday Monday, 25 May 2020, will be a public holiday if your rest day falls on 24 May 2020. Some may offer time off at a different time during the year in lieu of a higher rate of pay. Only Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays. In this way, the number of days off each year because of public holidays remains basically the same, with no reduction in days-off because of public holidays falling on existing off-days. The answer is: if a public holiday falls on a Sunday, then the following Monday is a public holiday, and there are thus 2 public holidays – namely the Sunday and Monday. JA29/06 dated 15 November 2007). 10 July 2020: Friday: Polling Day 10 July 2020, Friday In accordance with Section 35 of the Parliamentary Elections Act, Polling Day, 10 July 2020 is a public holiday. If it falls on a Saturday, the holiday is celebrated the preceding day, on Friday. The court added though that not all employers are saddled with the burden borne by this employer in relation to the provisions of the Act. Accordingly, the labour court dismissed the application. North Carolina also celebrates Good Friday on the Friday before Easter each year. However, the court was also of the view that the employer’s interpretation could be supported by the ordinary meaning of the Act. Please check at least one of the boxes. The employer contended that where a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is substituted as a public holiday and is not to be regarded as an additional public holiday. In this case although the parties had entered into a comprehensive agreement providing for production works under continuous operations, the agreement stated that such operations will take place seven days a week on all days of the year, excluding “public holidays”. All other public holidays such as Queen's Birthday and Labour Day are individually declared by the state and territory governments. On public holidays, unlike any other days of the year, production stops and all affected employees are entitled to a day’s paid leave. There are 9 public holidays in Ireland each year. Read about Easter Sunday around the world in 2021. The consequence of this contention was that workers who would ordinarily have worked on Sunday, 1 May 2005 were not obliged to do so but were entitled to be paid for the day. Previous Years Many countries also have moveable religious holidays and festivals that are public holidays. The appeal was accordingly dismissed. // Timezone offset for the site Easter Sunday is not a public holiday, and shops can choose to open if their local council lets them. The court noted that the Act does not define Sundays as being public holidays. There is a 10-person maximum per bus and bus service remains fare free. If a public holiday falls on your rest day, the following working day will be a paid public holiday. The highest number of travelers (37 percent) will depart on Wednesday and most will return on Sunday … The Act specifies twelve days as public holidays. }()); Discover upcoming public holiday dates for North Carolina and start planning to make the most of your time off. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, it is celebrated the next day, on Monday. The employer in this case clearly “hitched its agreement to the provisions of the Act”. Easter Sunday is not a public holiday, and shops can choose to open if their local council lets them. Monday 27 January - Australia Day (substitute day as Australia Day falls on a weekend) Worldwide Public Holidays March 2021 This page contains the list of worldwide public holidays, bank holidays, government holidays, non-working national holidays, and sectorial holidays for March 2021, from the qppstudio worldwide public holidays database.The public holidays listing on this page is also accessible via our free apps for Android and iPhone/iPad. This issue was dealt with by the Labour Appeal Court in the recent unreported decision of Randfontein Estates Ltd v NUM (case no. Previous Years The Agreement defined “public holidays” as “those days declared as public holidays from time to time by the relevant authority in terms of the Act”. Where the public holiday falls on a day which is not a normal working day for that business (eg. If a bank holiday is on a weekend, a ‘substitute’ weekday becomes a bank holiday, normally the following Monday. (function () { As the cost to the employer in terms of lost production and additional wages had already run into millions of Rands the employer considered it important that the dispute be resolved, and accordingly took the matter on appeal to the Labour Appeal Court. Rather much depends on what an employer negotiates and agrees with its employees. When Workers’ Day fell on a Sunday in 2005, the union contended that Sunday, 1 May 2005 was a public holiday. The agreement defined “public holidays” as those days declared as public holidays in terms of the Act. In states and territories with a Saturday–Sunday weekend, a public holiday that falls on Sunday is substituted by a holiday on Monday (or the next working day if Monday itself is a public holiday). For any additional information contact Rob @ 0837740972 or 0343121067 The Thanksgiving holiday period is defined as Wednesday, Nov. 27 to Sunday, Dec. 1. 31 July 2020: Friday: Hari Raya Haji 31 July 2020, Friday var dateObj = new Date(); The court accordingly had to have regard to the intention of the Legislature. When a public holiday falls on a weekend, the following work day may be considered a public holiday depending on the state/territory and the holiday in question. Packaged beer and wine may be sold between noon and 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, and between 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday.   That varies each year but they fall at some point between late Ma… All that happens is that the following Monday automatically becomes a public holiday. In 2005, Workers’ Day fell on a Sunday. Sunday is the only day in Hong Kong considered a rest day. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, it is celebrated the next day, on Monday. ² As Christmas Day falls on a Saturday, an additional public holiday is given on the following Monday. The judgement continued to state that, in section 2 (1) it was the intention of the Legislature to declare the Monday as a public holiday if a public holiday fell on a Sunday. Some councils move the holiday date depending on when Easter, Labour Day or other regional events occur. Changes to Public Holiday Penalty Rates Public holiday rates for full-time workers in hospitality will be reduced from 250% to 225%, with no change for casual Public Holiday penalty rates. 2020 to 2022 public holidays and anniversary dates Similarly, if the Lunar Chinese New Year, New Year’s Day, or the third day of Lunar New Year falls on Sunday, the fourth Lunar New Year is announced as a statutory holiday. When dealing with the effect of public holidays on your business, one must have regard to the Public Holiday Act, 1994 (“the Act”). Eva Mudely is an associate at Bowman Gilfillan Sandton. ** Sunday is nominally a public holiday in South Australia *** Depends on occupation, generally from 6 pm to midnight Substitute holidays for holidays falling on a weekend. The government of Hong Kong will release official holiday dates at the end of each year for the following year. Many also offer higher rates of pay on the holiday in order to encourage employees to work those days. The Mayton Inn Holiday Shopping Event - On Sunday, this Cary inn will hold its locally made market featuring talented local artisans, giveaways and door prizes. If an employee ceases to be employed during the week ending on the day before a public holiday, having worked during the 4 weeks preceding that week, he/she is entitled to receive pay for the public holiday. Public holiday on Wednesday/Thursday December 2/3 2020. More info. However, this does not apply to Saturdays, and when a non-statutory public holiday falls on a Saturday, the public holiday is lost to people that do not work on Saturdays.