Philadelphia Land Use Map, 1962, Plate 6-4 To help limit the spread of COVID-19, all Free Library buildings are closed to the public. The detailed basemap includes coverage down to about 1:1k for the City. As observed on the map, Pennsylvania is almost totally covered by mountains as well as a series of rolling hills, plateaus, and ridges that are punctuated by … ), Covering five counties of southeastern PA. (May be slow to load. In many cases, they have been compiled from a variety of sources, including sources beyond the control of the City of Philadelphia, and are subject to change without notice from the City. Date: 1942. See results mapped against present and past aerial imagery or using historical maps of Philadelphia. Creator: Plans & Registry Division, Bureau of Engineering Surveys & Zoning, Department of Public Works, Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. The Land Bank develops land disposition policies that it and other City land-holding agencies follow. Source: PHL’s cargo buildings include six (6) active cargo facilities and an American Airlines maintenance hangar. Additional Title: Philadelphia Land Use Map, 1942: Land-Use Zoning Project No. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals. These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. Except as stated below, commercial use (including but not limited to sale to others) is prohibited without the prior written permission of the City. Runways: 9R/27L: 12,000’ Trouble downloading or have questions about this City dataset? Philly Zoning is powered by one of Philadelphia's leading zoning and real estate law firms - Anastasio Law, LLC. Subtitle: Land-Use Zoning Project No. Land Use. UPDATE: On August 22, 2012, the City of Philadelphia enacted a New Philadelphia Zoning Code. Update Frequency: Monthly Explore Preview Download Vacant Property Indicators - Buildings (SHP) SHP. View Map Legend. Atlas provides, in a single app, all kinds of data managed by city government about an address. Date: 1962. Click the download button below. Each unit of land is assigned one of nine major classifications of land use (2-digit code), and where possible a more narrowly defined sub-classification (3-digit code). An official website of the City of ... Use a Philadelphia Parks & Recreation space. Mixed-use means exactly that: you can use the building for some light manufacturing or mechanical work – think metalworking – and also for more traditional commercial enterprises. Atlas is a new application created by the Office of Innovation and Technology's CityGeo team. title: City of Philadelphia: description: This map features a detailed basemap for the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, including buildings, parcels, vegetation, land use, landmarks, streets, and more. In the map below enter the address of your property in the search bar and hit return. The Philadelphia Land Bank is a powerful tool to return vacant and tax-delinquent properties to productive use. The Philadelphia Zoning Code regulates development within the city. City of Philadelphia land use as ascribed to individual parcel boundaries or units of land. Philadelphia Land Use Map designed by Sam Summer. Land use is the type of activity occurring on the land such as residential, commercial or industrial. Please read our website for the latest service updates and available resources . It has a Strategic Plan that informs future use of currently vacant land. GIS stands for Geographic Information System, the field of data management that charts spatial locations. Getting to Philadelphia is easy! Map of Philadelphia’s Historic District. In a city as old, big and constantly evolving as Philadelphia, having easy access to property data can be a lifesaver for informed decision-making, planning and getting ahead of deadlines. The map also provides different views of city properties, including a grid view, a photographic aerial view, and a street view. It has the legal authority to acquire vacant and tax-delinquent properties to repurpose them. ), (Warped using spline method to match more localized points. Notes for dimensional standards and use tables are included at the end of this guide as well as a summary of bonuses. British Library - Georeferenced Maps. Philadelphia Land Use Map, 1962. Creator: Plans & Registry Division, Bureau of Engineering Surveys & Zoning, Department of Public Works, Federal Works Progress Administration for Pennsylvania. Each unit of land is assigned one of nine major classifications of land use (2-digit code), and where possible a more narrowly defined sub-classification (3-digit code). TERMS OF USE: Browsing City data on this site constitutes acceptance of the license, the City's terms of use and your agreement to be bound by them. Philly Zoning is powered by one of Philadelphia's leading zoning and real estate law firms - Anastasio Law, LLC. City of Philadelphia land use as ascribed to individual parcel boundaries or units of land. Explore the neighborhoods and towns in and around Philadelphia. Many locations are offering contactless materials pickup and returns. Any publicly owned property that is available for purchase will show up on the map in orange. Map showing appraisals of property risk and neighborhood ethnography. Learn how to create your own. Each unit of land is assigned to one of nine major classifications of land use (2-digit codes) and where possible more narrowly defined into one of 70 sub-classifications (3-digit codes). You can use the map provided to click on a specific property, or use the search box to search by address, intersection, property assessment account number, or Department of Records Map Registry number. Land use is the type of activity occurring on the land such as residential, commercial or industrial. Zoning regulations govern land use, the height and size of buildings, population density, parking requirements, signage placement and the character of development on private property, and property uses. Please read our website for the latest service updates and available resources . The Philadelphia Vacant Land Inventory is an ArcGIS-based mapping tool that will be used to document specific characteristics about vacant and underutilized land lots in Philadelphia. This guide includes the general dimensional and use standards for base zoning districts. (Not warped; rotated and sized to best fit points. The map is based on data from Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access.. View in Resource Browser. For detailed information on the Zoning process, please review the Zoning Administrative Manual. Comprehensive maps of Philadelphia land use, produced by the WPA. Land Use. When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. Cropland, forestland, and pastureland comprise the major land uses in Pennsylvania and the land uses receiving the majority of the conservation treatment that address our soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources. The land use feature class has been field checked and corrected for the following Planning Districts. A detailed map of the “Historic” section of downtown Philadelphia. A link to an interactive map of Philadelphia. Code includes land use regulations, building dimensional standards, and parking, signage and landscaping requirements. More than 8,000 georeferenced maps from around the world … City of Philadelphia . Subtitle: Land-Use Zoning Project No. Map of the county, including the various districts and townships prior to consolidation. Visit the Interactive Maps Viewer to view selected historic maps of Philadelphia and surrounding areas from 1808 through the 20th century—plus aerial photographs—overlayed with current data from Google Maps. R-10 and R-10B districts are now called “RM-1.” Click here for our RM-1 Zoning Guide. The color-coded districts show the uses of each property and therefore dictate the zoning code for that district. Land use is the type of activity occurring on the land such as residential, commercial or industrial. Minimum elevation: -7 ft City of Philadelphia land use as ascribed to individual parcel boundaries or units of land. GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies. 18313. The Philadelphia Land Bank is a public agency with the mission of reactivating vacant land. Philadelphia Neighborhoods. Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory Network. Philadelphia’s City Planning Commission produced a zoning map to show the many categories under which a property could be classified in 2017. Each unit of land is assigned one of nine major classifications of land use (2-digit code), and where possible a more narrowly defined sub-classification (3-digit code). City of Philadelphia land use as ascribed to individual parcel boundaries or units of land. read more. You could be … 18313. Land use is the type of activity occurring on the land such as residential, commercial or industrial. In many cases, they have been compiled from a variety of sources, including sources beyond the control of the City of Philadelphia, and are subject to change without notice from the City. ), Source: Comprehensive maps of Philadelphia land use, produced by the WPA. View the interactive neighborhoods map . Each unit of land is assigned one of nine major classifications of land use (2-digit code), and where possible a … Download Philadelphia’s Historic District Map. Enable JavaScript to see Google Maps. Directions. All such items and materials are provided on an 'as is' basis, and you are fully and solely responsible for your use of them and for any results or consequences of your use. For any Philadelphia address you search, use Atlas to find the history of permits, licenses, inspections, property values, zoning, document archives, crimes, 311 services... 52 Datasets View Atlas app; Data and Resources . City of Philadelphia land use as ascribed to individual parcel boundaries or units of land. Industrial zoning in Philadelphia comes in two flavors: mixed-use industrial zoning, and plain old industrial zoning. The dark red color, zoned for Center City Core Commerical Mixed-Use, is centered around City Hall. Visibility: 1938 Cobbs Creek Topo . Selected by other Philadelphia zoning attorneys for Pennsylvania Super Lawyers recognition, we've been helping homeowners, developers and business people secure zoning/use permits, special exceptions, variances, building permits and tax abatements for a decade.